Chapter 2

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I groaned as I dumped the last load of books and homework into my bag. School took so much energy out of me, and I sometimes wonder if that actually what their aim was. To make you exhausted.
When I shut my locker, I make my way to the door. Before I could get there, a huge crowd was swarming around a student. A crowd of girls to be exact. I just roll my eyes and try to push through the crowd, but I tripped over my shoelaces and ended landing face first on the ground, dropping all my stuff. A sudden squeal broke through the crowd as I heard footsteps come closer to me.
"Hey, need a hand there, (Y/N)?"
I look up and see Tim extending his hand out for me. Taking it, he helps me get off of the floor. While I brushed myself down, he started to pick up my stuff. He handed me my bag, and grins.
"I think Cinderella dropped something of her's."
I look down and see that only one of my shoes remained on my feet still. Must've fallen off when I tripped. Tim picked up my other shoe and put it on my foot, tying the laces up as well. Tim was just too kind for this world.
"T-thanks" I stutter.
"Anytime!" Tim smiles. He opens the door for me, as we walk out into the sunny car park of the school. He lead me to his car which was a silver Ford. He opens the passenger door for me and I climb in. He gets in the driver's side and starts the engine.
"You can drive?" I say, surprised.
"Yep. Why?" Tim asks, keeping his eyes on the road.
"My parents said that if I ever get a car, I have to drive at 20 miles an hour, and no faster." I huff.
Tim tries to keep a straight face. "Why not any faster than 20?"
I shrug. "I'm pretty dangerous when it come to vehicles. I could probably kill someone at 5 miles an hour."
Tim bursts out laughing and I glare at him. "It's not funny."
"I'm sorry" Tim chuckles, clearly not sorry. I laugh too.

We pull up and Tim opens the door for me as I climb out. I follow him into a cafe and we sit down. I order a chocolate Frappuccino, but Tim doesn't order anything. When I ask him why, he just shrugs.
"I'm not particularly thirsty or anything."
I nod and sip at my Frappuccino.
"So.." Tim starts "have you heard about the party yet?"
"I have. Why? Are you the one hosting it?" I ask.
"Well, technically Brian's hosting it with me.... so, yeah. I guess I'm hosting it." Tim explains.
I think for a moment before I ask. "Why are you hosting a party?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well, what's the reason for the party?" I say.
Tim looks a little bit shocked by my statement. "I'm not really supposed to tell anyone..."
I stop and look up, suspicious "Why's that?"
Tim tries to change the subject, and his question throws me off guard.
"Are you going to the party?"
"Ha. No way. You'll never catch me going to the party on my free will. But Emily's probably gonna drag me there. I mean, why do you have to wear masks?" I ask.
Tim looks away, suddenly going quiet. He doesn't answer, but mutters something that sounded like "It was Brian's idea...."
"Strange. Why doesn't he want to talk about the party all of a sudden?" I think. Seeing it made Tim uncomfortable, I try to talk about something else.
"Tim? How long have you known Brian? You two seem like really good friends!"
Tim turns to me and smiles. I wasn't sure if he was happy for changing the subject or for the subject that we were on.
"Me and Brian go way back. I probably first met him when I was in Year 1."
I think back to when me and Emily became friends. It seemed so long ago now....
Tim continues his story.
"When me and Brian first met, I think we immediately hit it off. We've gotten into so many fights over cheesecake, but we end up sharing in the end. We were so similar when we were little. But now..."
Tim's tone changes and he looks down.
"Now, everything is different. Brian gets bullied for some reason and girls fan-girl over me. I'm smart and Brian's fallen behind. It doesn't feel like anything like when we first met. Brian doesn't even like cheesecake anymore..."
I saw a tiny droplet of water trail down Tim's cheek. I pick up my napkin and offer it to him. Smiling, he takes it and wipes away his tears.
"Thanks, (Y/N). You're too kind to take pity on someone like me..."
I blink. "What do you mean? Just talking about Brian, I can see how much you value his company. You're a really caring person, Tim."
Tim grins. He then looks at his watch and frowns. "It's getting pretty late. I'll drive you home if you want..."
"Thanks, Tim!" I gush. Tim looks away, a tint of pink on his face.

After directing him to my house, Tim drops me off.
"I'll see you tomorrow (Y/N)"
I wave as he drives around the corner and disappears.

When I walk into my house, I drop my bag down on the floor and call for my mom.
"Mom, you home?"
Nobody answered so I figured she was still at work. Going upstairs, I put away my laundry and lay down on the bed. I close my eyes as I was pretty tired, and fell into a deep sleep.

I walk through the dark forest, Emily at my side. We approach a clearing, which we could see had billions of lights and blaring music.
"This is so exiting!" Emily squealed.
As we approach closer, we could hear the screams of partying teens. Suddenly the screams became more louder, desperate. The lights were gone and so was the music. Emily and I stop walking when all the screams came to an abrupt stop. I tremble in fear and Emily clings to me.
I whipped around and someone in a black and red mask drove a knife up Emily's back, blood spilling out onto the grass. I screamed and tried to run away. I tripped and I stare upward to look at the second masked male. He lifted his knife up and-

I woke up in a tangle of sheets, my heart was racing. I look around and see the familiar walls of my bedroom. I breathe out in relief.
"What kind of dream was that?!" I think to myself. I felt like it was a warning, that if I went to that party, something bad would happen. I just hope Emily changes her mind about going.....

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