Chapter 5

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I repeated. He looks at me with sad, lost eyes.
"(Y/N).. I'm sorry. I know that I've killed people... but please, don't hate me because of it!"
Tim goes to sit on the bed, and he pats the empty space next to him. I hesitate, afraid that he might harm me. But knowing it was Tim and how he'd treated me with the the other pastas, I go to sit with him. He leans his head on my shoulder, but I don't stop him.
"I don't hate you, Tim. I know it's your job...." I mumble quietly.
"Thank you." Tim wraps his arms around my waist from behind and rests his head on my shoulder. I try to get up, in case Hood- Brian walks in on us. Again. Tim doesn't let go though.
"Stay here, please. Don't try to get away from me. You can't anyway. I'd kill you if you did."
My heart stops and I feel my back stiffen. Masky chuckles and nuzzles his face into my neck.
"I'm only joking, (Y/N)."
I giggle at his joke. Even if Tim is a creepypasta, he doesn't fail to make me smile.

I stay the night in Masky's room, since I didn't have my own yet. When I wake up, Masky's arms were still wrapped around me and his face was next to mine. He wasn't wearing a shirt, which made me blush. I stare at his face as he appears to be sleeping, but I can't really tell because of the whole mask situation. His steady breathing is the only sign of life that I can hear, and his heartbeat was strangely quiet, if it is still existent. I close my eyes and snuggle up against the strange heat that was formed between us to keep warm until he wakes up. Tim, however, was already awake and just lied still and observed me the entire time.
"You're adorable." He says, scaring me from the loudness of his voice. I look up.
"For a human anyway.."
I grab the pillow and hit him, playfully.
"Geez, Tim. You almost gave me a heart attack. Next time you have your mask on while sleeping, tell me if you're awake."
He laughs and throws the pillow back, but then turns serious. "Can you call me Masky, (Y/N)? Only when we're around the other pastas, of course. You can call me Tim when we're alone."
"Why?" I ask, curious.
"Well, it'll be inconvenient if the others find out that you know my identity."
I agree to call him Masky when in the company of others, and he ruffles hair.
"You are so cute when you're honest, (Y/N)."
I blush and look away, as he takes my hands into his.
"Yo, guys. You do know I'm here, right?"
We jump at the sound of Hoodie's voice.
"I don't really want to watch this mushy stuff before breakfast. I'm gonna lose my appetite." Hoodie huffs, grabbing his shirt.
Masky doesn't let go of me. "Well, why don't ya hit the road? I don't want you in here at this moment either."
Hoodie smirks at Masky, before pulling on his own mask and walking out the room.
Masky groans. "Nuisances. Everywhere.."
He grabs his jacket and puts it on. Opening the door for me, he leads me downstairs to the kitchen.
"His loyalty hasn't changed a bit" I think to myself.

Whew everyone had gathered, Slenderman cleared his throat.
"As of yesterday, (Y/N) will join us in our training. Masky helping her..."
Masky looked towards me, and even with the mask on I could tell he was smiling.
"...Was the original plan, but I will now have EJ assist her in the training."
EJ walks over to me and slings his arm around my shoulder.
"I'll go easy on you, don't worry (Y/N)~"
Masky stands up and leaves the room, Hoodie following after him.
"Someone's mad that I stole you~" EJ laughs. I watch as Masky walks off and hope that he was okay with the new roles.

EJ training with me, wasn't as bad as I had thought it would be. He helped me assume various stances and attack positions, and with his help, I managed to evade his attacks.
"You're a fast learner (Y/N)!" EJ compliments me "I can hardly hit you!"
I beam and walk back towards the mansion, where Slendy greets me.
"That was some amazing skills, (Y/N). I'm very impressed."
He pats my head and I smile.
"Thank you!"

When I walk into the house, a black flash attacks me from out of nowhere. I stumble backwards, and see that a dog with human teeth was standing on top of me. It tore my shirt to shreds. It growled at me so fiercely that I closed my eyes in terror. I felt someone pick me up, and I open my eyes to see Masky kicking the dog away.
"Piss off, Smiledog! Go! Get!"
Smiledog whines, taking a last look at me, he scampers away. Masky puts me down on the couch. "Sorry about him. He never attacks anyone usually. Maybe it's because you're human?"
I don't care why, I was just glad that Masky saved me from it. Masky takes one look at me and looks away. I look down and see that my shirt was completely gone, and I was only in my bra and jeans. I cover my chest, blushing. Masky takes off his hoodie and tosses it to me, still looking away.
"Thanks.." I say, putting it on. His hoodie was a little too big for me, as Masky was a LOT taller than me. When Masky turns back to me, his eyes widen.
"That's not fair... My hoodie looks way better on you than me!"
I laugh and he sits next to me. He leans his head on my shoulder, breathing on my neck, making me blush. Trying to divide my attention, I switch on the TV. But as soon as I did, a dark green figure appeared on the screen. Before I realised, it was climbing out of the TV.
I scream and hang on to Masky as the figure walked towards me.
"Hey, (Y/N)! ..... oh, did I scare you?"
The figure was a short boy with blonde hair. He had some sort of liquid dripping from his eyes. He sorta reminded me of EJ...
Masky chuckles and walks over to the dude who just climbed out of the freaking TV.
"This is BEN. He's not that scary, but he does go into electric devices often. If your phone glitches, blame him."
BEN laughs sarcastically, and gives Masky a 'seriously?' look. He gives me a smile before going back into the TV to do some 'business'.

Masky explains that most pastas have special abilities, using them to kill humans. Masky said that he did have abilities, but they weren't that special. He told me that if I stayed for a certain period around them, I would acquire powers of my own.

I know it sounds selfish to leave my old life behind, but I'm going to stay here with the pastas for awhile.

I mean, nothing bad's going to happen to me.


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