Chapter Twenty Four

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Layna's POV

The next morning when we woke up I almost forgot we weren't in Paris anymore. Our first day here was amazing. We spent three hours down at the beach before having dinner here and it was so good, when we came back we had a little personal time before we both passed out. I think all the plane rides were getting to us and we were both ready to fall asleep in our very comfy bed. When I looked over to see Parker he wasn't there, I sat up and the room was empty. 

But, then the bedroom door opened. 

"Good morning." Parker said as he walked in with two plate fulls of food. "I stole the room service job." He smirked before putting a plate down in front of me and handed me a cup of coffee. I smiled and took a sip before he sat down beside me with his own plate and coffee. "In about forty five minutes you and I are going to be going on a very nice boat ride, and having lunch on there, and then this afternoon we've been invited to a little bar party with the locals, and we will finish the evening with a dinner I've planned." He told me before he kissed my cheek. 

"Not even nine am and you have our day planned out Mr. Davis? I think that's a first." I smiled. 

He smirked, "First we're going to eat and I'm having my way with you in the shower.". 

I blushed before nodding. 

He sure did. 

After our shower we got dressed, I put my new green bikini on and put a white sun dress on over it before slipping on some sandals. Parker put on his swim shorts and a white cut off before he was ready. He packed a small bag as well before we headed out. We walked down to the beach before taking a left onto the boat docks. It looked like a beautiful day. Once we got to the boat I was shocked, it was one of the prettiest white sail boats I'd ever seen. Parker helped me on as the guy who'd be sailing it greeted us. "I'll take it out today Sean, if that's ok with you." Parker said and the man nodded. Once I was on Parker got on himself and the guy got off. "We will be back by two.". Parker told the man and he nodded before heading off. 

"You know how to sail?". 

"My father showed me when I was young. We used to go out all the time before he got sick." He explained and I nodded before sitting down. 

Once he got us going and everything was right he joined me. It truly was beautiful, the wind was perfect, the tempeture was perfect, and the sky was clear. "So, anything else you learned as a child I should know about?" I asked and he smiled. 

"Hmmmm...What age range?" He said with a smirk. 

"Younger then five?". 

He chuckled, "Well, when I was three I realized why your parents tell you not to touch the pan when its on the stove.". 

I laughed, "okay, twelve?". 

"Well, that's around the time I started learning to do this and when I broke my right hand for punching a kid in the face. He threatened to hit my sister and I figured why not.". He said and I smiled. 

"Okay, how about fifteen?" I asked and he smiled. 

"That was when my father started training me for the work force. He wanted me to know everything and that was also around the time he started getting sick so it was the same time I started learning to take care of him.  At first I didn't know what to do and I was to self absorbed that he'd die to do anything, but then I learned to help feed and take care of him and it wasn't bad." He said and I smiled. "What about you? What were you doing when you were fifteen?". 

I scoffed, "I was prentending to be the perfect daughter. That was right after my brother left and my parents went on a spree to make me the best child I could be.". 

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