Chapter Twenty Six

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Layna's POV

After having our big talk the rest of the trip went by slow. I wasn't happy and I wanted to be home. I wasn't mad at Parker, but Louis. I wanted to find Louis more then anyone and figure out where my best friend was, but I couldn't. Parker told me on the plane ride home that he'd have me on a tight leash because of the phone call he recieved in Paris from Louis. He told me that I'd have to stay close to him and although I didn't mind it I still wanted to kill Louis with everything in me. 

"Well, I didn't think I'd ever see you two again." Harrison greeted us with a smile as we walked out of the airport. He and Parker shared a small hug before he gave me one, "Guess who's in the back seat?" He said to me and I grinned before opening the door to a very happy Chris. 

"Hey buddy!" I shouted as I got in and he reached out for me. I chuckled and unbuckled him before putting him in my lap. "I missed you." I said and he smiled before giving me a hug. While I held him Parker put the suitcases in the trunk before he got in. 

"Hey buddy!" Parker said as he wiggled his hand before buckling up. 

I quickly put Chris back in his buster and buckled him up before Harrison headed home. "So, how's the house?" I asked and Harrison smiled. 

"It's good. I've had some of the guys go by and make sure it was being taken care of." He said and I nodded before he got on the highway. "How was the trip? Well...trips?" He asked. 

"They were good." I said and I saw Parker smile in the mirror. 

"You can talk about Louis in front of her Harry, she already knows." Parker said and Harrison sighed before looking back at me. "I told her about Jane as well.". The second he said her name Harrison looked at him then went strait back to the road. 

"Well, good. I also checked in on her dad.". He said and I raised my eye brow.

"My dad?". 

Parker sighed, "Your father's been trying to get information on me. I don't know why though.". 

I looked at him confused before thinking about it. My parents only knew Parker because I told them where I was working, but they shouldn't know that we're together. "Why does he want to know you? I never told him we we're even together." I said and he shrugged. 

"I don't know and I don't know why Louis is even still mad honestly. Unless he just wants revenge on the fact his best friends in jail now." Parker said before Harrison got off on another exit. "But, for right now lets keep our heads low. I'm gonna be looking for a new place and get your classes started for you. Buisness will go on as normal and we will have personal 'family' meetings every other night." Parker said and Harison and I both nodded before relaxing back in our seats.

I couldn't place why my father would want to know more about Parker or how he even figured out I was with him. I hadn't spoken to either my parents in almost two months. The last time we spoke I hung up on my mom because she was nagging. 

It just didn't make sense. 


When we arrived back at the house something felt off, but I couldn't place it. Parker took the suitcases to our room and told me he'd help me unpack later. He and Harrison had some things to do and he needed to go by the office so he gave me his card and the keys to the BMW to go shopping since we didn't have any groceries or anything in the cabinets. 

Once I changed into something warm and got going I made it to the grocery store in no time. I went to the one closer to his house so I wouldn't be gone so long. When I walked inside there weren't many people in but I didn't think anything of it. I grabbed a cart and went through and started getting stuff. I'd never really gone grocery shopping alone, I went to pick something up before but Kim was usually the one who went shopping for the apartment. As I walked through I didn't really know what to grab so I got a little bit of everything. I knew how to cook, but usually just grabbed whatever was in the fridge. 

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