17 ⋆ i needed a smoke

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MY alarm clock sounded causing me to groan. I yawned looking for to my phone, I turned it on, MONDAY, 9:00 AM. Shit. I quickly got out of bed hoping my parents would be gone. Personally I didn't feel like either of them this morning. I headed downstairs to see a note from my mom on the counter.

Grayson, We will talk about the damage you did yesterday. I made you some waffles, check the microwave. Have a good day.
- Mom

I rolled my eyes then walked to the microwave. It was honestly know surprise she wasn't here, she's always working to support my lazy asshole of a father. Where is he? Nowhere to be fucking found with no job. I took out the food and slammed the door of the microwave. I was tired. Wasn't sure if I should skip school or just go. Then my mind started to think about Ethan.

What was he doing?

Were they bothering him?

I honestly don't know why I cared for him so much. I was just suppose to fuck him. Report it, then get my money. Sighing I went back upstairs to get ready for school. Thank god it was my last damn year in this hell hole.

The air outside was warm, and I was grateful. I walked to my car hoping the tank was at least half way full, and thankfully it was.

It wasn't too long before I reached my school. I walked inside the freezing building and headed straight to my second period since I know I missed first period. I was shocked the feel kind of exciting about the class because I take it with Ethan. I wanted to push the feelings back, but lately it's been getting harder and harder.

Walking in I notice Ethan straight away and he smiles at me. I nod in reply and walk straight to the back.

"Late again Grayson."

"I know." I rolled my eyes sitting in the chair. Could he not see I hated his class?

I kept getting looks from everyone, and I was praying that Ethan didn't tell anyone that we went out. I didn't want to start anything because I felt like I was getting closer and closer to getting in his pants. Then this whole thing would be over. I was laying off Emma for a while so he wouldn't even get any suspicions about him and I.

The bell rang about an hour later and everyone started to collect their belongings including me. As I was getting ready to exit to the class, I felt a tap on my shoulder.


"Hey." He smiled.

I looked around making sure no one was around.

"Hey." I said.

"Wanna come over later?"

"T-To yours?"

I was honestly shocked.

"Yeah, I was thinking we could watch a movie or two." He smiled.

God, he was adorable.

No, Grayson.

"Yeah sure I guess." He shrugged. Maybe I could in his pants then. I was tired of putting up this act. But somehow a huge chunk of me felt as if it wasn't an act, and I was starting to like Ethan. But I pushed those thoughts to back of my mind.

"See you." He smiled then walked past me.

I sighed.

"You can't catch a break." Adam came out of nowhere.

"What the fuck do you want Adam?"

"You to hurry up. Dude I have better things to do with my money. I would've gotten the twink in bed sooner than you're doing now." He smirked.

I wasn't feeling up to dealing with Adam's shit, "Don't worry I'm going to do it tonight."

"Yeah. I'm adding more money on that one. If you don't, then you can forget it."

"Please, I just need more time." He told him.

He grinned then turned on his heels and walked the other way.


The bell has rang signaling I was late for third period. I needed to hurry this up. Money like that for a boy like me doesn't come very often. But I didn't to hurt Ethan. At the same time I didn't care what happened to the little gay boy. But part of me wanted to date him.

I needed a smoke.
QOTD: Do you think Grayson will go through with Ethan later tonight or will he back out again?

*QOTD: Do you think Grayson will go through with Ethan later tonight or will he back out again?

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