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The ride back to the station was frustrating to say the least. She didn't understand. How the hell did the don know her name? Especially if she hadn't even seen him before tonight? Just because you haven't seen him, doesn't mean he hasn't been watching you, her subconscious whispered. Mia quickly shook her head. That had to be a stretch. Besides, he had gotten arrested. He couldn't hurt the young officer... but something told her he wasn't going to be "locked up" for long. She brought her nails to her lips, biting them.

"Penny for your thoughts?"

Mia looked up from the desk she had no idea she was staring at and her eyes landed on her partner, Sam. He was your typical heartthrob. Equipped with shoulder length, sandy blonde hair and a pair of ocean blue eyes, and an Aussie accent, it was not far fetched to say a large percentage of her department's female population swooned over him at least once. Dark stubble littered his jawline, making the cleft in his chin much more noticeable.

Sam chuckled and sat at the desk across from her, tossing a penny her way. "You've been staring at your desk ever since we got back to the station." He paused. "Shouldn't you be happy he's gone for good now?" Mia shook her head. Criminals like him were never just gone for good. He had been reigning over the mafia for nine years now. It took her task force nine years to catch him. if he breaks out, how long would it take for them to catch him again? And who's to say he wouldn't pay his way out of jail?

"We don't know that, Sam." Mia started in a shaky tone. She had no idea why she was spooked so much. "He could easily pay his way out of jail time." Her partner paused, not having anything to that. 

"Don't think like that, come on now." He groaned, running his large hand through the waves of his hair.  "And even if he does, we'll arrest him as many times as we need to for him to stay in the slammer for good." Mia closed her eyes and sighed harshly. He didn't understand. "You clearly don't know how the mafia operates."

"And you do?"

Mia's brown eyes met his blue ones. Silence engulfed the air for a few seconds.

"That's not what I meant." Sam shook his head and waved his hand dismissively. "Look, He's getting his mugshots taken and fingerprinted as we speak. Even if he does escape we'll have more to go on." Mia nodded. She needed to go home and take a well needed shower. She was overreacting. What could he possibly do to her inside a jail cell?

"We're going to get real acquainted with each other, si?" His baritone words echoed in her head like a a scream to an empty cave. What did he even mean by that? The sounds of multiple 'dings' going off brought her out of her trance yet again. She looked over at her partner, who rolled his eyes in annoyance before tapping away at his phone. A small, smug smile made its way to her face.

"Another booty call gone wrong?" She mused, hoping this conversation would take her mind off things. Sam shook his head and chuckled, placing his phone down. "It was a one night stand and she won't leave me alone." He groaned, pulling his hand down his face. That's one reason some of the females here admired Sam from afar. He was a great officer, and was attractive but when you got down to the bottom of it, Sam was a hoe. Through and through.

"You're a whore." Mia joked, laughing a little. Sam feigned being hurt and held his hand to his chest. "Whore? Why I'd never." She rolled her eyes. Yeah, okay.

"Right. If you know what's good for you, you'd get me a muffin and juice from down the street." She pulled out a twenty dollar bill and threw his penny back at him.

Sam stared at her.


"Why did you say "muffin"like that?" Mia narrowed her eyes at her partner. "What are you talking about?"

DEAD WOMAN WALKING  (THE BLOOD IN MY VEINS #1)Where stories live. Discover now