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sixteen. | THE CLUB

THE DON WALKED OUT IF THE HOUSE with a dazed Mia not far behind. A red hue flew across her freckles cheeks, and she hoped it was too dark to see. What had she been thinking, grabbing The Don's tie and demanding respect? From a known and violent murderer, no less. Mia stared at the back of the Don's head. He hadn't said a word since they left the room. She started playing with her fingers, picking at the skin at the end of her nails. What would he do to her once they got back? Flashbacks of the dark room she was held in filled her mind. She could still feel the piercing cold air on her delicate skin, the stubborn ropes that dug into her wrists, the unsettling feeling of death and the absence of hope... she didn't want to go back.

The pair stopped in front of a sleek silver car. Mia blinked. She didn't even know they were outside. The cool air kissed her exposed skin, forcing her back into reality. A large man opened the car door so both of them could get inside. The smaller woman mumbled a curt 'Thank you' before stepping inside the vehicle. Unlike the car she had ridden in to his trial, there was no double back seat, meaning she had to sit right beside the man. Mia kept her head down, becoming hyper aware of the brute sitting right next to her. She scooted to her left in order to create some space between them, and also so her breaths wouldn't be so audible to him. The car started to move as she snuck a look at the Don's flawless side profile. Maybe he forgot. After all, he hadn't really said anything to her. Maybe he would excuse her. Mia fought the feeling in her stomach telling her this wasn't over. He wore such a poker face that she could decipher his thoughts. She wondered what he was thinking when—wait, was his lips moving?

"I'm sorry, what?" Mia blurted out, turning her head to the brute. He glared at her.

"Don't interrupt me." The don stated in a low and dangerous voice.

Mia's mouth snapped shut.

The Don let out an irritated sigh before continuing what he was saying. "Like I was saying, Diyundo Faldo, or Don Faldo, as he likes to be called, is a sleazy, and rather pathetic excuse of a Don." He started, saying the unknown man's name with evident hostility. "Anyway, the man's speciality is prostitution, loan-sharking, human sex trades, and he runs a few businesses' on the side." Mia blinked, disgusted. She realized that this was the Mafia she was talking about, but human sex trades? In her opinion, that was worse than murder. What was her father doing going to a bar that was owned by someone like that? She knew he was a made man and they did horrific things, she knew that. But could her father possibly be okay with, even ignoring these things?  Her eyes flickered back to the Don. She wondered if he ran a human sex ring. The thought alone made her want to vomit.

"He sees an innocent looking female, such as yourself, to abduct and force them into his repulsive ring. For that reason alone, you are to stay close to me, si?" He said, wording his sentence into a demand than a question. "As piss–poor as his leading skills may be, his men follow his orders and won't hesitate to sedate or beat you into submission." The Don said casually, looking outside the window into the dark night. Shivers wracked Mia's body. The last time she got sedated, she was left to die in a basement.

"You will stay by me at all times. If I catch you talking to anyone outside of me, or attempting to get help, you will be shot down."

"Sh–Shot down?" Mia choked out, her eyes snapping to the Italian man. "Yes. Adriano is one of my most loyal men, and an excellent sniper. It would be bothersome for him to prove it to you, yes?" He turned back to face the trembling woman.  Mia nodded, not trusting her words to stay firm.

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