first conversation.

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You didn't know how or why, you are assigned by your homeroom teacher to collect all of the students' tasks, not that you had any problem with it.

It's just that it would be rather confusing you assumed, as it's only two weeks since school has begun and you haven't got all of the names memorized. Of course, the teacher gave you list of the names of your class, but it didn't get any less confusing considering you didn't know who is who.

But before you could even get up and ask the first person, your classmates had reached your table first to give you their notes, making your life ten times easier. You gave them a light-hearted smile and muttered thank you over and over again to each person.

After the waves of students passed, you cross checked the name list and the stack of notes, making sure every last one of them had turned their work. Your gaze landed back and forth over the book and the list, while your finger scanned the list of names, keeping you on track. Not long after that, the finger stopped at one name. The one name that had yet to give you their work.

Miyuki Kazuya.

A sigh escaped. It won't be that easy huh, you thought. You got up from your seat and ask the nearest person you found, "Hello, do you happen to know where Miyuki Kazuya is?"

"Oh! I think he was at the bench beside the vending machine, near the backyard. I was just there. He didn't seem to have a lot of friend so he often ate alone," the student explained. You nodded thoughtfully, "I see, thanks a lot!"

You rushed your way there, afraid that the guy had moved already from the spot your classmate had told you. But lady luck is on your side today. There you saw a boy sipping on what looked like a canned black coffee, while reading onto some kind of score sheet? That's what you assumed anyway.

You loomed over him. Noticing the sudden shadow blocking his view on the book, he looked up, a troubled yet knowing expression descended on him. It was almost like he had experienced this multiple time. "Um, can I help you?" He raised an eyebrow, while hesitating a smile. "Miyuki Kazuya?" You called out hesitantly as well. The crease of his eyebrow deepens, "...yes?"

"Oh God thank you I thought you weren't him that would've been embarrassing." You put a hand over your chest, relief washed through you. He was taken aback for a moment but quickly regain his composure. "So, what brings you here, classmate-chan?"

Had anyone told him he really had this smug and overbearing resting face? Or is that on purpose?????

A sudden realization hit you.

"Wait, so you do know we're in the same class?"

"Uh huh."

"Then you must've known or at least heard that I was pointed to collect everyone's assignment?

"Heard it clearly."

By this point, he already had this infuriating grin plastered on his face.

"Then care to tell me why are you the only one who haven't turn in yet?" You gritted your teeth, clearly sucking back the rage that was awfully threatening to just blast out.

He thought deeply in a playful manner, then he leaned back to his seat, the same shit-eating grin refused to leave his side. "Maybe just to trouble you?" He stated, a mischievous chuckle followed.

An angry mark appear near your forehead. 

"Now now calm down it was just a fun little game, I'll turn the task in after going back to class."

You took a deep breath to calm your nerves. "I didn't know why you thought that was necessary, but thank you, please do so immediately."

"You're an interesting one eh? One minute looking like ready to kill a person then the next minute talking in a polite manner. That's some talent you got." He let out yet another chuckle, clearly amused.

"Perhaps I should go back to looking like I'm ready to murder someone? I'm pretty sure I already have the first target." You gave him your best sickeningly sweet smile.

"Now that's not cute." Fear written across his face a he brought up both his hands, a sign of surrender. Another sigh managed to escape, bringing you back to normal state.

"Still, making a person to do this much work just for your entertainment, you sure are wicked, Miyuki-kun."

His smug smirk came back,

"Yeah, I get that a lot."

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