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cortlin cme back down the stairs and do we have the wine corlin asked you're helping them and they said suddenly  there was a knock on the window. A bird Snow said kind of note in its talent it's for you and Henry Snow said Henry and cortlin opened it up they said the same time she doesn't want to see us.

Five minutes later

Corton it's ok suddenly the power went out. I'm going to go check it out. do you want to come with me? asked David sure it will give me something to do.

Three minutes later

What the hell David said oh my god cortlin said. cortlin got out of the car and ran towards the ice wall.yelled david. Someone is in there emma said. Went to go check it out he got past some of the ice and then saw a woman Hey hey don't don't freak out.

Emma hook said wait don't come. Ice came down trapping Emma and Cortlin in side. Are you in there hook said respond. Regina is going to killer David said. ho awwwwwweeee Cortiln cortiln cortiln ow emma what is going on cortlin said. Suddenly on the radio Emma is Cortlin ok. David said.

2 min latter

You cold emma said no the cold doesn't really bother me Elsa said. cortlin are you good emma said. Yes cortlin said.  And Emma talked for a little bit. Then Emma Emma else said emma emma try to stay worm. Emma Cortlin and Elsa said at the same time. Emma Emma stay warm cortlin said.

5 min latter

Elsa Elsa David said she's so cold else said. Is cortlin ok David said yes. Emma

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2014 ⏰

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