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In the Enchanted forest......

"What this Regina said rumple is back" Bella said. Mom rumple is back Cortlin said. It is ok Cortlin regain said just then mommy Cortlin said what sweety it it it she is coming who is coming snow said Zelena! Just then she froz snow and charming and then she froz me and my mom.

Eight months latter:

"We can't find any magic" grumpy said. it is hapning again I am about to give birth and my baby is endangered snow said.to be far I was torgting you said rugein. Whiny are we trusting her? grumpy said. I'm on your side said regain yes my mom is helping us Cortlin said. So how will we get in to his casual said Cortlin robin and regain fit. Madey I am good with taking me canchis Cortlin said. Mom liaison to snow Cortlin said. But we're not he is caming snow said. Ya mom Cortlin said.

Back in storybrook......

Where is Regina? Snow said she is kissing Robin Hood. Just then Regina came in. So Cortlin asked working to be casual how was your meen date with Robin Hood? Shut it Regina said! So what is the plan.

Back in rumple casul

Mom what is worry with rumple said Cortlin. He is crazy Regina said.

Back is storybrook

My mom sent me down Cortlin said. Cortlin and Henry talked. Just then. Came Cortlin Regina said. Well see you later.

5 minits latter

Whiy do women keep their shote box? Charming asked after love their is no bigger love said snow and Cortlin. Then snow fond the book.

In the Enchanted forest......

So mom Cortlin asked. Just thin. Ooo Cortlin said. Charming gave snow a flower. Just thin look a door Cortlin said. Snow and charming go in. What the way can't I get in Regina said. I'll stay with you. Cortlin said

5 mins

Snow and charming to do the curs to get Emma. Are you owt of your mind? Regina asked you can't Cortlin said. Snow and Regina fite some more. Mom that is how grampey died Cortlin said.

Back is storybrook

Whair are we going Cortlin said. To find Henry Regina said.

5 mins later

Henry! Cortlin yelled. He is ok Regina said. Good mom Cortlin said. Just then Henry started belleving. Mom? Mom Cortlin Henry said. Suddley! Mom? Zulena. She had Henry Cortlin said. Then Regina went fly. What did you do? Cortlin said. She is just knocked owt zulena said. Bitch Cortlin said. Mom mom Henry? Cortlin yelled. Suddly zulena retest Henry. Mom Cortlin and Henry said. Mom,mom mom Henry and Cortlin said.

In the Enchanted forest......

It is crazy Regina said. You Can't Cortlin said. Come heer Cortlin Regina said. And she hugged her. Cortlin started crying. Then Regina takes charming heart. Zulena comes and talk to Regina.

Back is storybrook

Mom mom mom please wack up Cortlin and Henry said. Mom thay said as Regina wack up. Cortlin Henry and Regina huge. Regina kissed Henry's head. the curse was broken Cortlin said.

In the Enchanted forest.....

Regina help him their is one way Cortlin said. Yes! And she split snows hart and thay both will live.

Back is storybrook

Henry Cortlin and Regina walked for a little bit. Mom has a boyfriend Cortlin said. Yes I have see him for a little bit. Hi robin hud said. LOVE Cortlin said.

At neals grave....

I loved him like a dad. Just then aahh it is time snow said Cortlin go get you mom. So Cortlin ran home to get her mom.

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