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The spring sun’s rays pushed through the dense fog as it rose high over the rolling Mexican hills dispensing all the shadows. Freya stretched languidly and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. She rolled onto her side and stared down at her beloved husband’s sleeping face. She laid back down and listened to the empty house, longing to fill the silence with the laughter of children. She looked down at her immortal body and knew that pregnancy was impossible for a goddess like herself. She let out a suffering sigh that unwittingly woke her husband, Odin, from sleep. He wrapped his arms around her and gazed at her lovingly.

“What bothers you my sweet?” he rumbled in his sleep-husky voice.

“Why love, I long for children.”Freya confided in her husband as tears filled her eyes. Odin winced inwardly as he heard the longing and pain in her melodious voice.

“My love, I wish I could give you children but you know it’s not to be. We are gods meant to watch over mankind, they are our children.” Odin tried to sooth his wife but knew he had failed when the first tears streaked down her beautiful face.

“My heart, I watch as human woman enjoy watching their stomachs grow larger with child; I long to feel that myself. I long to feel the joy that springs into the faces of mothers all over the world as they feel their child move around within their bodies. My love, I long to feel the comforting weight of a babe in my own arms, I long to be a mother.” Freya cried into Odin’s shoulder. He rubbed her back soothingly trying to calm her. He frantically sought a solution to ease his beloved’s pain. He held Freya in his arms until her tears finally exhausted her and she fell asleep. He gently extracted himself from her arms and began to pace the confines of their bedroom.

He continued to pace until an idea hit him like a strike of one of his own lightning bolts. He knew that as a god himself he would never be able to get his wife with child. He remembered overhearing the demigods speaking of creating an immortal seed from the gods that when implanted into a maiden warrior’swomb, mortal and immortal alike, the seed would begin to grow into a child. The child would have all three of the parents’ genes. He thought that he could implant the seed into his beloved womb, that’s when he remembered that the seed would never grow if implanted into a goddess’ womb.

He felt his hope disintegrate. Then another idea hit him and hope flooded his system making him smile. He walked over to his wife’s bedside and brushed a stand of hair out of his beloveds face. He placed a kiss on her forehead and felt her stir beneath him. She opened her emerald eyes and stared deeply into his chocolate brown eyes. She smiled sadly up at him. The silk sheets couldn’t even compare to the softness of her hand as she cupped the side of his face and brought his head down for a tender kiss.

“My love, I have come up with a solution but there are some draw backs to it.” Odin said to his wife.

“What is this solution that you have so painstakingly searched form and have found so late at night.” She said in a sleepy voice.

“We can create a seed that is infused with our powers and traits but another will have to nurture it and help it grow.” He held his breath and watched her face as he waited for her reaction. He sighed in relief as she smiled broadly up at him.

“When can we begin, my love?” Freya said as hope engulfed her.

“First we will have to pick a maiden warrior from the many different species on earth. The search will start tomorrow after we have rested.” Odin said as he lay down on his side of the bed. Freya snuggled into her beloved husband’s side and began to dream of the future. Odin’s eyes slid shut as he too dreamt of the child that they would soon bring into the world.

Days passed as Odin and Freya searched for the perfect female to carry their child. They searched through all the species and found them all lacking. The demonesses were too harsh, the witches were too busy creating spells, the sirens were too uncaring, the humans were too fragile, and the Lycans were too uncivilized. They finally found the perfect species on their second month of searching. They found a colony of Furies hiding away in one of the many forests in México.

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