The New Guy

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Jojo come over please im bored. " I can't, not right now anyway. Jojo stated. she was my bestfriend we did everything together. I really wanted her to come over because I was really bored and I was in the house alone.

"Hey can I call you back?" She asked. Sure you can, was my reply.

So now I was all alone, and back to being bored. 

That's no reason to stay in the house, I thought to myself. So I decided to go on a walk.

Walking alone really gave me some time to think to myself. Like what was I going to do after high school  Or if I was going to develop a social life. I said to myself humorously.

I don't really think im ready for a relationship.

Its kind of hard being in a relationship when you don't exactly believe in love.

As I was walking my phone started vibrating. I got a text from my friend Michael. Saying he was sorry but we cant hang today. 

well that's just great, I stated sarcastically. I did't bother texting Michael back. My leg we're a little tired so I stop at a park bench.

"Hey you're sarah right?" I heard a voice say behind me.

Yes, and who are you? I asked.

"im jessie" was his only reply.

Oh, I know you, you're that new guy that just moved here from California right? I asked. "yeah that's me" he stated.

Jessie was gorgeous he stood about 5'6 witch was taller the me by 3 feet. He also had short black hair, had on a black leather jacket, dark jeans, and a dark gray t-shirt on.  He walked too me just after he got off his motor bike.

just then my phone started vibrating, it was my father. Hello? I answered. Where are you? He asked. I went on a walk, ill be home soon  I replied back "okay great hurry" he stated. alright bye. I said right before hanging up the phone.

"Walking?" He said humorish "more like sitting if you ask me" jessie said. But I didnt ask you, I snapped. "woah hot and spicy, You should really wear a warning sign" he said as he came and sat next to me.

What makes him think I wanted company. Or that he should invite himself to have a seat with me.

"your very beautiful" jessie said.  Thanks I replied I love to sit and chat but I kind of have to get home. I stated before he could say anything else.

"can I take you home?" he asked.  No thanks i'm fine with walking.

"will I see you again mis sarrah?" He asked.

sure I said.

Even though jessie was cute and seemed really harmless I just had a really bad feeling about him.

if you enjoy reading my book please stick around there's a lot more to come please vote my story. Love you guys:)

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