Chapter 7

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I slowly lift my hand from under the cover and hit the snooze button as my alarm clock goes off loudly in my ear. I have to get ready for work and today is the day that I'm having lunch with Michael. I'm so excited but also nervous to see him again. He's just so handsome, and I'm glad to call him my man now.

How did I get so lucky?

I've never been in a relationship with a man like him before, and Michael is just so different from the rest of them. He doesn't want sex from me, he just want to take things slow and I like that so much about him.

I finally get out of my warm and comfortable bed and make my way to the bathroom. I grab my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth. After that, I grab a clean rag and wipe my face before turning on the shower. I take off my night clothes and I grab my Vanilla scent body wash and I got in the shower and immediately start scrubbing my body.

After my shower, I wrapped a towel around my body and walked back into my bedroom. I lotion my arms and legs before putting on my matching black lace bra and panties. I then grab my robe and tied it around my waist as I head downstairs to have breakfast. Since I had plenty of time, I decide to cook me some bacon and scrambled eggs. After I was done eating, I head back upstairs and I get dressed for work. Soon, I was out of the house, in my car and on my way to work.


"Hey girl." My friend Nicole greeted me as I entered the office.

"Hey." I smiled at her.

"So, what's up?" She asked as she sits in front of my desk. I smiled and sit behind my desk.

"Nothing much. How was your weekend?" I asked.

"It was ok.... I guess." She sighs. I giggled.

"Your weekend didn't go so well, huh Nicki?"

"Jhené, it was the worst. I got into an argument with Trevor. I swear that damn boy is getting on my nerves." She groans. I shake my head.

Trevor is her boyfriend of five years and she's still with him. They constantly argue and bicker at each other like cats and dogs. Nicki is a really beautiful girl and she deserves better. Nicki and I talked for an hour about her 'issues' with her boyfriend she's having.

I'm just so glad that Michael isn't like that. He's a sweetheart, and I know he won't cheat on me. I honestly think he's the one, and I plan on staying with him forever.



I slowly opened my eyes feeling someone's breath hitting my neck. I looked over at the person and roughly pushed them off me. The random broad eyes pop open and she looks at me, clearly pissed off.

"Bitch, what the fuck are you doing here?" I snapped.

"What do you mean? We had sex last night..."

"I know that, but it was just sex, nothing more. I don't like waking up to someone in my bed so do me a favor and get out." I clenched my jaw. She looks at me like she's gotten her heartbroken.

Well that will teach her ass to keep her legs closed next time.

I have that lunch date with Jhené today, and I don't really want to go. I honestly don't feel like seeing her today. I rub my temple and got out of bed when there's a knock on my door.

"Come in." I called out. The door opens and Eric walks in, and then the broad walks out my room.

"Man I can't get this girl off my mind."

I raise my eyebrow and chuckle. "What girl?"

"That one girl we met at the club. Fuck, what's her name?"

I shrugged. "I don't know, we met a bunch of girls at the club. I don't keep up with their names because you know why?"

"Why man?" He asked.

"Because I'm after what's between the legs, not their names. Like Jhené."

"Chanel? Chanel is her best friend. I can't get that girl off my mind. I feel really bad for what I did to her."

I give him a funny look. "Are you ok, man?"

He sighs. "I guess. So did you fuck that Jhené girl?"

I shake my head. "No, not yet but soon. The girl is already in love with me, so I want to take things slow for a while and I'll seduce her then I'll dump the broad.

Eric shakes his head. "Mike, you're a fucking asshole man."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are. We don't do that. We fuck them on the first night, and that's it. You're going to get attached to that girl."

I give a look. "No I won't. I'm not like you man, you fucked her friend one time and you're already in love with the damn girl."

He sighs. "I don't know, but I have to see her again."

"I guess man..."

"Anyway, I gotta get ready for work." He walks out of my room and I got back in my bed, staring at my ceiling. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I saw Jhené staring right back at me. I blink my eyes a few times and sit up quickly.

What the hell was that?



It's lunch time and I'm walking out the office with my friend Jamal when I saw Michael leaning against his car with his arms folded and dark shades on, waiting for me.

"I'll see you later, Jamal." I said, waving him off.

Michael takes off his shades as I walk up to him with a big ass smile. I throw my arms around his neck and kiss him but he didn't kiss me back or hug me back. I lean back a little and he was angrily glaring at me.

"Who the fuck is that guy?"

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