The New Term

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She always loved being at Platform 9 ¾ at the beginning of September, seeing the new First Years' excitement about finally attending Hogwarts, and the older students greeting their friends from summer vacation. Her eyes swirled and shimmered with shades of purple as she took in her surroundings, and the breeze from the end of the tunnel gently blew the loose black hairs of her Dutch braids, she was lost in her thoughts until she felt someone grasp her upper arm and give it a shake.

"Wyress!!... I was calling your name forever, did you go deaf over break?" laughed a voice from beside her left.

She turned to see a girl with bubblegum pink hair grinning widely at her.

"Sorry, Tonks. I just spaced out while waiting for you to take forever getting here." She teased.

Tonks gave her a playful glare as she started to walk backwards towards the train. "I didn't know Slytherins were patient." She said before letting out a startled yelp as she tripped over someone's trunk.

Wyress was able to catch her before she actually fell and laughed. "I didn't know Hufflepuffs were so clumsy- Oh, wait."

"Shut up." Said Tonks in a poor attempt to seem offended, making both the girls laugh. "Come on, let's get on the train before I accidentally kill myself."

The girls sat in a compartment to themselves on their way to Hogwarts to start their 6th year. They spent the ride talking about what they did together over the summer. Laughing about how Tonks' dad would always making Star Wars references and how her mother would just smile and roll her eyes at him.

Once they made it to Hogsmeade Station it was just routine of making their way to the carriages. Wyress took a glance at the thestrals leading theirs as they climbed in. Although she thought they were truly beautiful creatures, she always felt a pang in her chest when she saw them. She's told Tonks about the death in their 3rd year, so whenever it came to the carriages, it was usually a quiet ride to the castle with Wyress lost in thoughts of her late mother. Killed by Death Eaters, for refusal to cooperate.

She was 7 when it happened. When the Death Eaters came to their home. Her father was traveling for the ministry and her mother had stuck her in a secret room hidden behind a family portrait to keep her safe. She watched from behind the painting like a one way mirror, her hand clasped over her mouth. As she sat there unblinking her silver eyes, shaking, terrified, two figures with silver masks confronted her mother, in search of something that could see through any type of magic. The Oculus. A gift passed down between the women of the family. The gift her mother possessed at the time. But she refused to give it to them. Only those within the family knew The Oculus wasn't an object easily given or taken like the eye of Mad Eye Moody, but it was a part of them. The Wyrd women were all born with silver eyes, but only one could possess the power of The Oculus at a time, and only in death was it passed to the next living female in the bloodline. And although The Oculus was a beautiful and powerful gift, Wyress never imagined it'd be passed to her so soon... and under such tragic circumstances. But as soon as she saw the blinding flash of a neon green light and her mother's body falling limp to the floor she felt a tingling in her eyes. She pushed it off as just a new rush of tears as the Death Eaters started to ransack their home in search of something they'd never find. Luckily the floo was hidden inside the same room she was and in a moment of courage she ran to it and escaped to her Uncle's home, who thankfully, was an Auror. What happened afterwards was a blur and she was never really told of what became of her childhood home or the Death Eaters that destroyed it.

"Wyress." Came a soft voice from across the carriage. "We've stopped."

Wyress sniffed and wiped the stray that she hadn't noticed had fallen and smiled weakly to Tonks. "Sorry, yea, I- I'm alright."

Tonks gently smiled to her and held one of her hands, giving it a squeeze. "I know. Come on."

After a few minutes, Tonks had Wyress back to herself again as they made their way to the Great Hall and to their different house tables to wait for the First Years to arrive. They were both glad the Slytherin and Hufflepuff table were next to each other this year so they sat in the same aisle so they could still talk until the ceremony began.

Wyress occasionally took glances up towards the Head Table and to a certain obsidian eyed professor. Ever since her 4th year she was intrigued by him and if she was honest with herself, attracted as well... before that, he was just plain intimidating. But who in their earlier years wouldn't be by him? Now, although still intimidating, it wasn't a frightened feeling she'd get, but more... exhilarating. Before she caught herself staring at him too long, lost in her thoughts once again, his eyes met her shimmering purple eyes. She gave him a small smile and wave in which he returned by raising his index and middle finger from the goblet in his hand in a wide like fashion but didn't smile and turned back to just surveying the student.

When she turned back to Tonks, she was sat with her back towards Wyress, but turned enough to look at her with an elbow propped onto the table and her cheek against her fist. "Enjoying your ogling?" she teased with a flirtatious eyebrow motion.

"I really was, thank you for bringing it up." Wyress smirked.

Tonks turned to fully face her and moved her hand to the side of her mouth and whispered. "Y'know... you turn 17 next month."

"I know... and?" she said with a smirk.

Tonks just shrugged her shoulders and glanced up at Professor Snape, who so happened to be watching the interaction between the two. She turned back to Wyress with an 'oh shit' expression and hissed, "Oops, busted." And turned back to her table

Wyress turned back to her table and made eye contact with her professor once again, and he gave her a smirk, making her feel like he had somehow heard their short conversation. Feeling her face starting to blush, she quickly looked away as the doors to the Great Hall opened as Professor McGonagall escorted the First Year in for the Sorting Ceremony.

After the ceremony and the feast, the students made their way out into the school and to their common room. Of course Wyress walked with Tonks until they came to the foyer and had to make their way down separate staircases, but not before hugging each other.

Severus made his way down the spiral staircase behind the staff table and down to the Dungeons towards his office. He didn't know why his eyes kept gravitating toward Miss Wyrd, but after he caught her eye in the Great Hall he saw how much she had changed from just last year alone. She definitely looked older, and she always was truthfully, very pretty... but seeing her this year was different. Maybe it was the way he caught her looking at him, or maybe it was the fact that he did know their conversation by means of being able to read lips incredibly well. He smirked to himself at that. 'Ogling him? Interesting. Maybe we'll see how far this goes throughout the year... like they said, she'll be of age next month.'

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