'Tis But A Scratch

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The first actual day of term was going as expected. Classes were slow but not much homework was passed out. It was Wyress' free period and she already finished the little bit of homework assigned from her first few lessons, so she walked down towards the Black Lake to pass the time until lunch where she could meet up With Tonks and head to Potions which they had together afterwards.

As she sat by a large tree and read peacefully until a voice that made her roll her eyes shouted her name. "Wyrd!"

Wyress reluctantly looked over her shoulder at a group consisting of three Gryffindor girls sneering at her with Amber Michells, a blonde haired 6th year stood with her arms crossed in front of the two other girls of the same year, brunette twins, Masie and Sara Sheppard.

"What is it now, Michells?" Wyress rolled her eyes back onto her book.

The book shot out of her hand and landed in the lake making Wyress clench her jaw in an attempt to compose herself. Since the beginning of last year she's had issues with these girls ever since Amber's ex, and the twins' older brother, Mark Sheppard, who is now graduated, tried to get Wyress to date him. He was a very nice Ravenclaw, but just wasn't her type. Even though they never ended up dating, Amber and the twins had made it into a personal vendetta against her. But every time it came close to becoming a physical altercation, there was usually a professor around to dismiss them beforehand.

This was not one of those times.

Wyress barely dodged a hex shot at her my Amber and rolled out of the way, drawing her wand in the process in time to put up a shield to block a jinx from one of the twins. Wyress cast a well aimed Leg-Locker Curse at one of the twins who fell to the ground from loss of balance, and a Full Body-Bind Curse at the other who fell over like a statue. Leaving Wyress and Amber to duel without interruptions. Both girls shrugged off their house cloaks and Wyress went as far as to transfigure her skirt and nylons into a pair of fitted leggings. Now circling each, neither of them noticed the small crowd beginning to form near them, blocking the view of the castle entrance.
Amber shot a curse at Wyress who deflected it in a smooth motion causing the Gryffindor to twist her face in anger.

"What's wrong, Michells? Not as tough as you thought without your girls?" she taunted. "Where's that Gryffindor bravery?"

"Fuck you, Wyrd." She hissed which only ended making herself more angry because Wyress laughed at her.

The two exchanges blows until they both casted a disarming spell, knocking both their wands away simultaneously.

The Gryffindor lunged at the Slytherin, who dodged with precision and grabbed the back of her shirt and threw her back in the direction she came, knocking her to the grass. They fist fought like muggles until Amber was knocked down next to her wand, grabbed it and aimed it at Wyress. Quickly casting a hex that narrowly missed the Slytherin she was thrown back to the ground as Wyress, in one fluid motion wrapped herself around her like a serpent with both her legs locked over the Gryffindor's torso and her wand arm captured between them and extended it in a way that Wyress held her balled up fist in a perfectly executed armbar.

The painful position made Amber cry out as Wyress slowly but steadily started to straighten her body whilst still tightly holding her arm, bending it back. "STOP! You're going to break it! Please!" Cried Amber, tears streaming down her face now.

Only then did a professor show up, or in this case two. Both of their Head of Houses.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Shouted Professor McGonagall as her and Professor Snape emerged in a rush from behind the crowd that the girls failed to notice during their duel.

The professors stopped in their tracked upon seeing the full scene before them; two immobilized Gryffindors, and a Slytherin with a trapped Gryffindor and a look with every intention of snapping her wand arm.

Snape glared back at the gathered crowd. "Go on!...Before I start deducting points!" He shouted as the students quickly dispersed.

Wyress glared down at Amber and reluctantly released her with a rough kick to roll her away from her. Earning her another shout from McGonagall.

Amber stay laying on the ground, cradling her arm and quietly sobbing, as Wyress stood and straightened herself up, transfiguring her leggings back to her original school uniform and catching Professor Snape's eye, who had a very faint smirk, concealed as a sneer.

Snape drew his wand from the inside of his left sleeve and released the twins from their curses as McGonagall carefully escorted Amber towards the Hospital Wing with the twins now in tow. As she pasted Snape, she glared at him, "Deal with your student." She hissed.

"If she is the one who initiated this... believe me... I will." He retorted with his cold obsidian eyes locked onto Wyress. "Miss Wyrd. My office... Now."

Without a word she followed her Head of House up towards the castle and towards the dungeons. She kept her head high as they passed students in the castle who had been watching outside. Catching partial conversations and comments as they walked by.

"....Never seen that before..."

"...Brilliant! Really..."

"......Fucking Wicked...."

Wyress couldn't help the smile that came to her face and as they descended the stairs to the dungeons, and she never saw the definite dark smirk that played on the dour professor's lips.

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