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What's this daddy thing recently? Lol
– @Real_Liam_Payne, 1:44 AM, 3 Oct 2014

"Daddy," Liam murmured to himself. He looked over his tweet as he lay in his Tampa hotel room. He remembered seeing some signs during the shows in New Orleans and Pasadena but didn't think much of them. Daddy Directioner they had said—or something like that. Earlier in the day, he was leaving a cinema where someone spotted him and called him all sorts of fatherly names.

He was very confused, to say the least, but he was taking it in stride.

He hoped desperately that he wasn't the subject of some sort of daddykink. Harry stumbled on some questionable writings online that featured young girls calling him "daddy" as he deflowered them. Of course, they all found it hilarious, but Liam hoped to god no one was writing that kind of smut about him.

Seconds after he sent tweet, he began getting replies from his fans. Most of them laughed at the tweet. He didn't understand what was so funny, but he reckoned he was laughing in his original tweet too. Perhaps they thought it was a joke. But really, it was the furthest thing from a joke. It was a genuine question.

Liam frowned. He knew that he wasn't Harry Styles. Girls swooned over him like dogs over other dogs' buttholes, and frankly, he didn't understand why. Nevertheless, the world saw Harry as the bandleader, and the rest of the group had come to terms with that. He was no Zayn Malik, who clearly had an edge on the rest of the band vocally. Nor was he a Liall, who was the only member to actually play an instrument on stage. In short, Liam knew he was thoroughly unremarkable. He hoped that this "Daddy" thing wasn't the fandom's way of making fun of him.

"Forget it," he sighed, closing the app. He turned his attention to the television and dozed off to sleep to the sound of the local news.

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