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My mind traveled back to those fateful events that brought the chunin exams and the alliance with the sand village to an abrupt halt. Thoughts of a certain puppet master continually crawled back in .. despite all he had done I couldn't convince my mind to forget him. I glanced down at my ANBU mask .. I wonder if he's a jonin too... "He's back!" Sakura came burning around the corner. She continually repeated it getting closer and closer ... she had officially lost it. Probably was ranting about her precious Sasuke-kun returning in another one of her daydreams ... Lord knows why she still had feelings for the traitor. Should probably still be polite and seem somewhat interested, we are friends now after all. "Who's back?" For someone who would never shut up she suddenly fell silent, opting instead for dragging me along with her... Damn she's grown strong. We edged toward the green gates. The same, boring, completely unchanged gates. "Baka there's noth-" "Long time no see!" A strangely familiar voice cut me off. My eyes scanned the horizon but no one was there. I shook my head violently.. Sakura's craziness must be contagious. "You look good Itari-san" There was no mistaking it.. he was really here.. right behind me. I spun around and yanked him into a hug. Eager to see how much he changed, I pulled away slightly and took in the sight before me. I was thankful to see he had out grown that ghastly orange and blue jumpsuit.. literally out grown.. he was huge! Within seconds of his eyes meeting mine, we both knew exactly what we wanted. 

He lifted his third empty bowl to order another round. Man I had forgotten how much this kid could eat! Everything felt back to normal. "Itari, the hokage has summoned you" A few minutes of peace.. was that too much to ask -.- The copy ninja smiled under his mask.. he probably just wanted my stool so he could talk to Naruto. But if I didn't go and Lady Tsunade really did want to speak to me.. well her temper was quicker than Sakura's.. not to mention her strength. I sighed in annoyance before heading toward the hokage's office. All eyes fell on me as I entered the room. Turns out Kakashi wasn't lying. "Good now that you are all here, I have a mission. You are to take this scroll and hand it directly to the Kazekage and await his reply." The newly formed alliance with the sand village was rocky.. we would be the first leaf squadron to re-enter Suna since the chunin exams and their betrayal. "Neji, as the highest ranking you will be squad leader" Akamaru barked in protest but his owner didn't say a word. "Now go." "Hai Hokage-sama" 

"Finally! A mission together hey Itari" Kiba's sudden over-friendliness and our destination.. or rather a certain shinobi who lives there.. were definitely linked. "Yeah well, they had to put someone who knows what they are doing on the team" My first landed playfully in his arm before I bolted toward the gates. But Kiba was just as fast as ever and it wasn't long before two strong arms wrapped around me from behind. "That wasn't very nice Itari-san" Blood rushed to my cheeks as his breath tickled my neck. "Will you two quit playing around" An impatient Neji continued out into the forest but Kiba's grip remained for a few seconds longer than necessary. 

Akamaru's whimpers steadily became louder but Neji pushed on. It had been hours since we had left Konoha but, as always, he wanted to excel in everything, including the delivery estimate of our scroll. My foot tapped the branch the same time Kiba's did, drawing my attention. He had grown up so much since our genin days and he was just as handsome as ever. It took a second too long to realize he was returning my gaze. Shit. I offered him an awkward smile before speeding up to hide from his line of sight. The once lush forest started to thin out to sand, marking our halfway point. "Alright, we will stop here for a few hours" I sighed in relief. I was completely exhausted.. my pride would never permit me to say so, but I really needed this rest. Judging from the looks of the others, they were in the same predicament. "I'll take the first watch" It turned out Kiba's pride was clearly the biggest. The last thing I wanted to do was stay awake. My body shivered as the sun disappeared for the day. "Itari, would you?" The cold hadn't escaped Neji's attention either. The minimal amount of chakra I had remaining was enough to produce a small pile of wood. "Fire style: Phoenix Flower" Akamaru barked in appreciation before curling up in front of the flames. A finger gently slid under my chin, turning my face slowly. How did I not notice how close he was?! His eyes searched mine briefly, waiting for any sign of disapproval but I was too shocked to react. He took this as permission and within seconds his lips were on mine. "Are you going to keep watch or not" I pulled away instantly, bowing my head in embarrassment. Neji's glare followed Kiba as he moved to the other side of the fire to ensure no further distractions. And just like that the moment was over.

I was grateful to spot Suna on the horizon .. never has anyone in history ever been as grateful to see a village made of sand than me. I mustered the last of my energy as we sprinted toward the village. A wave of delicious smells filled the air and my stomach growled in protest but Neji wasn't the type to break protocol. It wasn't as if anyone would die if the Kazekage didn't get the scroll in the next five minutes -.- Nevertheless I ended up in his office, still starving. A wall of windows overlooked the entire village and sat in front of it, with mounds of paperwork on his desk, was a handsome red-headed Kazekage. Wait... Gaara?! "Welcome. I am glad to see you all arrived safely." Neji bowed before handing over the scroll. "My reply will take a few days.. Temari will show you where you are to stay" A familiar blonde kunoichi stepped out from behind him and ushered us toward the door. 

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