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•Alice's POV•

Its about 5 weeks later. Gina is great! She's walking well and she was able to go home! Thats all the update we have on her
Right now,Me,Scar and Tyler are house hunting

"Lets move into a big house...A mansion"Tyler said
"No way. I want an apartment"I said
"No Al,You just got your check and its millions of dollars! We're getting a big house..with a pool"Ty said
"No Tyler. I dont want that"I said
"Well you're married to me and I'm the man so I say we move into a big house,You dont have a say in this"Ty said
"Woah Ty you need to chill"Scar said
"Stay out of it"Ty said
I went to my car,Scar followed me

"You alright Al"Scar said
"Yeah,I just dont want a huge house just cause I'm a known singer"I said
"But Ty does so what are you going to do"Scar said
"Do whatever he says I guess"I said
"You're better than that"He said
"Well hes not gonna listen so might as well get something out of it"I said
"Al! Lets go to the next destination"Tyler said

We drove for 30 minuets before we got there
I stepped out of the Jeep and couldn't believe my eyes
"Oh my gosh"Scar said
Its beautiful,But I dont wanna live here
We walked in and went to the kitchen
"This is it Alice. This is hour house"Ty said and hugged me
"Yeah and only 1 million dollars"I said
"Yeah not bad!"Ty said
"So yall like it?"The realtor said
"We love it...Can we see the master bedroom"Tyler said
"Yes this way"The realtor said
We walked up the stairs then we got to the room

"Woah! Al this is our room!"Ty said
"Where would my room be?!"Scar said
"Well there's 5 other rooms for you to choose from"The realtor said
Scar ran out the room
"How many rooms and bathrooms are there?!"I said
"6 bedrooms,5 bathrooms and 4 closets!"Tyler said
"And an indoor pool"The realtor said
"An indoor pool! Where?!"Ty said
"Down stairs. Its a little a aways from the kitchen for childs safety and the door to go to it has a password,You can always turn it off and on"Jema said (the realtor)

"Alice! I choose this room!"I heard Scar yell,I had to walk down this long hallway
"I like this one"Scar said
"Cool...lets go to the indoor pool"I said
"Indoor pool?!"Scar said
"Yep"I said
We all went downstairs to the pool
"Thats beautiful"Scar said
"This is defintly the one Al"Tyler said...

*3 weeks later*

We are all moved into our new house so today we are having a house warming party
Soo many people are here its crazy
"Alice this house is insane!"My mom said
"Me and Jaxon are going to go swimming!"My dad said
"Inside or outside?!"My mom said
"Both!"Jaxon said then they ran off
"I didnt think you were the type to want to live somewhere like this!"My mom said
"Well you're right about that"I said and faked laughed
"Uh here I'll take Jenna and get her to sleep"I said
"Oh no Al this is your party go have fun"She said
"No mom really I want to do it"I said
"Well ok"She said and handed me the baby

I carefully walked up the stairs and went to me and Tyler's room. I sat on the couch that we have in here
After a few minutes Tyler walked in and sat with me
"We need to talk"He said
"About"I said
"I know this isn't exactly your dream home but..It makes me happy..and You're famous now so people need to know we're living fancy"Ty said
"I dont feel famous"I said
"Alice..almost everyone knows your name..You go on trips to peform in so many cities,You have so much money,paparazzi always watches you when you're out and about. You're famous"Ty said
I didnt want to say anything

"But you're also my wife,And I love you so much,Al..I love you"He said
"I know..I love you too"I said
"So forgive me for being an ass?"He said
"Of course I forgive you"I said and kissed him
"Do you want me to make everyone leave or do you want to join the party"He said
"Lets go have fun"I said
I put Jenna in her pop up crib thing and laid her in there

"Alice I love your house!"Gustavo said once me and Tyler got to the bottom of the stairs
"Thanks Stav!"I said
"I was wondering if you would house sit my mantion while I go to Canada"Stav said
"Yeah sure when?"I said
"Next week night"He said
"Can I bring Ty and Scar?"I said
"Yeah sure!"Stav said
"Yay awesome!"I said
"Now if you'll excuse me,Im gonna go swimming"Stav said
"Me too!"Kellie said
"Inside or outside?"Tyler said
"Both!"They said and ran off
Me and Sierra and Scar swam for a bit and had some shots

After all that great fun me and Ty laid in our new bed. I seen on my phone that I had a voicemail from our local courthouse

*Someone speaking* "This is Mr.Nial.This message is for Mrs.Alice Swan..There seems to be a claim of lawsuit againts you call back as soon as you can"The guy said
"What the hell!"I said
"Whats wrong"Ty said
"Someone has a lawsuit against me!"I said
"What who?!"He said
"I don't know I have to call back in the morning!"I said
"Baby...Let's sleep on it and we'll worry about it in the morning''He said

*The Next Morning*

As soon as I woke up Gustavo called me

Stav- Alice!!

Me- Whats up Stav?!

Stav- Im being sued!

Me- What by who and why?!

"Whats going on"Tyler said waking up
I put my phone on speaker

Stav- By your old manager!

Me- Justin?!

Stav- He said hes suing us cause you've been singing his published songs. Its under his name and you've been singing it as if its under mine and Griffin name

Me- what the hell! Why is he just now doing this?!

Stav- probably cause you're doing so well,Better than you did with him

Me- Gustavo what are we going to do?

Stav- Alice dont even worry about this ok,I'll hire the best damn lawyer thats out there and we'll win this!

Me- Thanks Gustavo

Gustavo- I'll talk to you later,Bye

Me- Bye

*End Of Call*

"Thats crazy,But hes right Al,We got this''Tyler said
I laid back
My ex manager,and ex lover is really gonna sue us just cause Im ontop of the charts with Gustavos studio....


Published Date: June 23rd

Word Count: 1189

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