Marcel vs psychotic girl

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Suddenly I get an image of a mansion and I see the girl go in along with... wait is that..!


I make my way to the mansion that was deep into the forest. I'm only sending one person inside. I head in there to find her.

Marcel:Hello? Anybody home? I see that she is upstairs in a big room in the center of the room. I head up there.

Girl's pov

Oh no! I'm losing consciousness again. No I don't want to kill!
???:... DACON...

Marcel's Pov

Marcel:Woah Da blitz?!

The girls energy just sky rocketed. The out classes almost me. Then there is a crash as I got close to the door and I see something horrific.


Marcel:Wait what?! I think you have me mixed up with someone...

I couldn't get to finish my sentence as she lunges at me and bites my shoulder. I scream as she holds me while biting into my shoulder. I gotta think of something to get her off me.

Marcel:★Honõ... MAGNUM!


They sent her flying out into the backyard of the mansion. I take a knee as I am panting and looking. At the bite she took into me. Oh God forgot Phemophobia. Oooooohhhg.

Lily:Are you alright?!
(An:Changing her name to lily)

Marcel:Oh I'm just fine admiring the nice decorations and... IF COURSE I'M NOT ALRIGHT! THERE'S A HOLE IN MY SHOULDER AND I THINK IT'S INFECTED NOW. I'm gonna get rabies!

Pon:No that's just the poison.

Marcel:I though I was immune to poison?!

lily:Yeah regular poision.

Marcel:Come again?

pon:That's a poison that is unique to her apparently.

Marcel:That's good to know. better go check up on her.

I make my way there and I see the little girl I saw from the vision.

Marcel:That was the little girl?!


Marcel:Well I should help her out.

I carry her back into the mansion to see if there is a medical bag in here.


girl's POV


I open my eyes to see that I'm in a bed. strange usually I'm outside. oh no did I kill someone then sleep in their bed?!

???:I see your up.

I look to see a boy with black hair with a hoodie on and hat on. ah my head hurts. Although he looks familiar.

Marcel's POV

This girl... she looks familiar. suddenly I get an image in my brain and it shows silhouettes of people, all girls too. I cant make out how many there are. it's too blurry.

Girl:Uh... Mister?

Marcel:Huh? oh sorry just thinking about something. anyhow, names marcel D. Cleveland, what's yours?

Alice:My name is Alice.

Marcel:Alice... that's a nice name. so what's a girl like you doing here out in the woods alone?

Alice:I was running away from the third child of the Phoenix clan who wants me in his peerage.

Marcel:I knew it. Its him.

Suddenly the door blows off its hinges and in comes... a younger riser

Riser:Riser has finally found you Mary.

Alice:That's not who I am anymore!


Riser:You shall become Risers first...

Marcel:Jet bullet!

I didnt let him finish his sentence as I hit him with a jet bullet and send him flying out a window.

Marcel:Have a nice fall KFC!

Notification:New mission available!

Survive the attack from riser and find a way to escape.

25,000 dollars
20,000 exp

bonus objective
protect ???
+ Affection towards???

Marcel:(Oh look another mission with bonus objectives. Does that mean the protect part means its Alice? If so does that mean that Alice isn't her real name? best deal with that whole thing later.)

just then a portal appears and Koneko and Kuroko come out of it.


Marcel:This was a bad time to come here.

*New skill created! due to feeling negative emotions towards you, the skill detection has been created.*

*Hatred detected*

Marcel:Uh oh.

Riser:You dare harm riser you Low class!

He summons a huge fireball and launches it to the house.



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