Part 3: Did I fall? And did you?

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"Huntyy... I think I've found my boy!" Tom screeched.

"You couldn't find a boy if they came and kissed you on the ass!" Alice said from the kitchen. Tom and I were drinking coffee in the dining room while Alice cooked breakfast.

This is how mornings usually went. I would go audition for movies and t.v shows after so I had to be full.

"Really though! His name is Jaxon and he's hella cute!"

OH YEAH! let me fill you in...

Tom had a boyfriend for 1 and a half years... they broke up. We bought him ice cream and went on a f.r.i.e.n.d.s binge.

Alice came out as Bi and I'm super happy for her! She has had a girlfriend for a year and her name is Amber!

Sandra and I are best friends and we intend to keep it that way. We audition for alot of things together! Today we are auditioning for a Netflix movie called Bird Box!

Ok back to now!

"I'm happy for you Tom!" I said after taking a swig of coffee. Tom chuckled.

"Forgive me if you hear moans tonignt...." He smirked.

"Ew!!" Alice and I said in unison.

"I'll spend the night at Sandra's tonight I guess." I said. Tom slammed the table.
"Bitch, y'all are perfect for each other! I mean... your soulmates! I don't get why y'all are just friends... You have the mark!" Tom loomed.

"Yeah, I mean your both beautiful young women who are lesbians! You could get a girlfriend right now if you wanted!" Alice added.

"She's bi by the way.." I retorted.

"Do you want your eggs and bacon?" She asked.

"Fine fine... I don't know guys... I don't even know if she thinks of me like that! She is hot, but I'm not! I do like her, I just don't know how to tell her..." I replied. Tom interrupted.

"Oo! I know! Say Date me or I'll finger you!"

I threw my empty coffee mug at him. He and Alice laughed. She brought us plates and then grabbed her own. We all sat and ate. As soon as I finished I rinsed my plate off and ran to the bathroom.

"Thank you Alice!" I yelled.

"You're welcome bitch!" She yelled back.

I turned on the shower and stripped. I was thinking about Sandra. I did like her like that. I even had dreams about her like that, but dreams couldn't predict what you were actually thinking... right? I hopped in the shower. I thought about her in detail..

Her plump ass, her round breasts, her beautiful face, her curvy waist. I went back to reality, before I knew it I was fingering myself. Two fingers thrusting in and out of my heat.  I was a virgin, so I was SUPER tight. I was moaning softly so Tom and Alice wouldn't hear me.

I put a third finger in, and then a fourth, all because I was thinking about Sandra. I started groping my own breasts and pinching my nipples. I gasped and hot liquid came out onto my hand. I washed it off and final actually took a shower.

Today I would audition for Bird Box with Sandra. I grabbed my phone and bag and waited for her to pick me up.

After about 4 minutes she pulled up. I ran into her car and hugged her across the seat.

"I know, I know I'm irrisistable, but let's get to the audition." She said. I chuckled thinking about the shower. We drove to the place and waited for us to be called.

Time Skip brought to you by Tom!

"(Y/N) (L/N)!" A woman called. I stood up and she waved me over. I was auditioning for the role of Olympia. Sandra was auditioning for the role of Mallory.

I walked into the room with two people judging I guess. I did what I could and left.

"Sandra Bullock!" The woman yelled.

"Good luck!" I said. She nodded and  walked in. After about 10 minutes she walked out and we left. As soon as she got in the car she yelled.

"I THINK I NAILED IT!" I laughed.

"I don't think I did too good.." I replied.

"Either way... TIME TO GO GET SOME MILKSHAKES!" She screamed. I nodded and chuckled.

Time Skip brought to you by Lauren!

We now had our shakes and were pulling out of the drive-thru. This was it, I would tell her now.

"Pull into the parking lot." I SAID.

"Oh. Do you want to go inside?"

"I need to talk to you."

She pulled into a spot. She looked over to me with those gorgeous, brown eyes.
"What do you wanna talk about?" She asked.

"I-.... I like you, as more than a friend... as a soulmate." I said. She looked me dead in the eyes and what she said, wounded me.

"No!" She said. She pulled out and speeded me home. As soon as we pulled in front of my house, her words pierced me with tiny daggers,

"Out, Now!" She yelled. Tears came to my eyes as I ran out and grabbed my bag and shake. I walked in the door and sank. Tom came over, along with Alice. I was full blown sobbing now. They took be to the couch and turned on friends. They grabbed the ice cream and we had a little marathon...


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