tokyo - namjoon (bts)

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genre: angst, fluff
word count: 2523
synopsis: two strangers slow down in their fast-paced lives.

disclaimer: cursing + i know nothing about where everything is tokyo, so don't bash me if i get some places wrong :')


kim namjoon woke up to the sound of car horns and cold air.

it was november, and these days, he was never certain where he'd wake up every morning. usually, he'd have to get up and check where he was, as he flew so much that he could never keep track.

but this place, this city, he was certain. it was tokyo.

tokyo was similar to seoul, but there was just something about the place that drew him back. he couldn't quite put a finger on it.

namjoon sat up straight to get a hold of his surroundings. last time he checked, he was rooming with taehyung for the entirety of their stay in tokyo, and that their hotel room didn't contain a spotless kitchen or dining corner. the sun's morning rays shone brightly on the thick, white bedding through the large window pane placed right next to the queen-sized bed.

namjoon looked down at himself. he was still wearing his clothes from yesterday's concert. sweaty. he then got out of the bed after realizing that the sheets were too clean to even stand one more second of his presence.

looking around, everything was white. the only sources of colour in the room were the succulent plants kept in white pots on the shelf by the television and the fluffy grey rug underneath the bed. but is grey even a colour?

namjoon searched for his belongings, careful not to touch anything in the room. anything. he checked on tabletops, chairs, shelves, drawers (he may or may not have opened an underwear drawer by accident), and cupboards, but nothing. he could only find his phone in his pockets, which stood strong at five percent battery. still, he continued to search.

while looking under the fluffy grey rug, a door opened behind him, a female voice following in japanese.

"good morning,"

namjoon froze, turning towards you. you were dressed in a robe, looking like you had just taken a shower. your hair fell down to your shoulders, semi-wet.

"i'm Y/N," you greeted briefly.

namjoon hesitated, "i'm namjoon. where am i?"

"shibuya," you answered. you then opened your clothes drawers, looking for something to wear for today. you noticed some of your t-shirts were unfolded, but you decided to shrug it off.

"where can i get the train to my hotel?" he asked you in surprisingly smooth japanese. at this point, it was obvious that he wasn't japanese.

"where is your hotel?" you replied in fluent english, momentarily shocking the man. he then began to recite his hotel's address, already having it memorized.

"alright. i'll get changed first, and then we'll take the subway to your hotel."

"you're just getting changed here?" namjoon's face was painted with worry, yet his voice completely countered any emotions at all. it was quite amusing.

"hell no! i'm just picking up my clothes here to change in the bathroom," you reassured, making your way to the bathroom.

you came back, dressed in a pair of wide-leg trousers and oversized blazer, to find namjoon looking under the coffee table.

"what are you doing?" you asked. your words caused his body to automatically move away, startled.

"i was searching for my stuff, sorry," he apologized.

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