An Unusual day in Kustox

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Kustox was a small mountain village, on a small planet, in a small galaxy. Although there were many different cultures there, they all lived together in harmony. All devout in their own way. God was pleased at what he saw, very pleased.

        Miya was unaware of this as she knelt before the alter in the village church, she was sure God had forgotten her. So she had made a beautiful candle decorated with many intricate and beautiful designs to catch his attention. She offered it now to the Lord. Her large brown eyes squeezed shut upon her tears.

       “Dear God please take care of my son Taris. His burden is too much for me to bear. Dear Angels of mercy please deliver him from his misery.” Her heart, filled with the pain of her love, cried out to the heavens and at that moment an ancient portal opened.   

Along the street Miya’s husband, Romac the hunter sat drinking with his comrades outside the inn. He clenched his fists, a habit that caused the enormous muscles in his chest to ripple. A traveller from another kingdom was relating his journeys, describing the amazing things he had seen.

     “By God I wish I could see something like that” Romac said. All he ever saw were goats, hawks and snakes.

    “I wish something exciting would happen in our town,” sighed his friend Magnus. Everyone agreed.

        Above and along from the inn was Romac’s dwelling. Little Taris rolled onto the floor then dragged his useless legs along until he reached the window. His sweet face winced in pain. As he looked, a Kite bird soared past and up into the sky. His little mind climbed upon its back soaring away with it. He so wanted to fly like that, forever.

        Just across the road Dr. Amos was deep in study. The ancient texts of his father’s fathers spread before him. He huffed in frustration. He was a skilled physician; a man of science and his faith in God was strong. Yet he found excerpts of his holy book hard to swallow. “Dear God,” he prayed, “if only I could believe such things happened.” His scepticism eroded his faith like a chisel. He looked for the symbolic meaning behind the stories and contented himself with this.

             Miya left the church and made her way home. Inside she found Taris hot and sweaty and would not wake. She shook him hard, but to no avail.

     “Romac, Amos Quick.” Miya screamed as she ran out to the street. Amos grabbed his bag and ran through the door. Romac leapt across the table and was at his house in a moment. They all entered at once, just in time to see a set of giant golden wings disappearing into thin air-along with Taris.

          The Village was in an uproar. Romac ran straight to the inn.

           “It was magnificent but frightening. Just like the ancient Eagle painted on the caves of my Ancestors. With wings the size of this room, eyes shrewd like a woman its height- 3 times higher than myself! Its giant talons carried my son.” His excited comrades gathered their weapons and set out to hunt the giant bird.

            Miya ran to the church and threw herself at the feet of the kindly priest.

     “Father, I have always believed in angels, and today I saw one. She had giant golden wings and a shining halo. She grasped my son to her breast and bore him away. Dear Father, why is God punishing me? Why take my son from me. I have been such a devoted servant.” The gentle priest held her in his arms and comforted her.

        “Are you sure it was a female?” he asked.

        Amos was a ghastly white and shaking from head to toe. He ran back to his house, shut the door and drew the bolt. He tipped out his bag on the table, flinging everything aside until he found a small white package. Ripping it open he placed the amulet about his neck. His fingers covering the names of the three angels carved into its surface. He flicked through his holy book, then repeated the incantation he found three times as he circled his small room. It was only then he allowed himself to rest. He looked at the picture of Lilith in his holy book and read what was below.

     “Winged female demoness, lustful seducer of men and first wife of Adam. She left after a dispute and went to live with lascivious demons by the Red sea. Knower of God’s magic name, God gave her domain over newborn children. She is the stealer of small boys (uncircumscised) and small girls.”

           Amos did not know which of his ancestors had written this, but he was grateful they had.

           Taris chuckled, smiling as the Golden winged woman tickled him under his arms. She anointed his whole body and as she massaged him all his pain disappeared. He felt tingling all along his spine and up his arms. Giggling he spread his arms wide like hers to reveal little wings. They were blue. He liked that.

     God called out to his wife. She appeared instantly.

     “Have you done as I asked?”

     “Yes my love.” Asherahs shrewd eyes twinkled. “I answered all the prayers and wishes of the village Kustox and I even managed to pick up something for myself.”

     “They must be very happy.  Did they recognise you this time?” He knew this sometimes upset her, but asked anyway.

     “Well, yes and no. Would you like to see what I got?”

        God paused and smiled. “Not right now. I’m a little tired and the children seem to prefer you.”

     Asherah returned to Taris. “A mother’s job is all work and no glory.” She said as she wrapped her golden wings around him.

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