Chapter 10

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"Shh, I'm not going no where," Evan says stroking my hair, rocking me back and fourth. Out of no where Blake walks in. The room gets quiet, no one says nothing.

"Aye y'all, hey Chrissy," Blake says, "I heard what happened, you ok?" He asked

"Umm ya, I'm fine," I say in confusion, wondering why he here.

"Ook, well I hope you get well," he says walking out.

"Bitch don't act like you give a fuck about her!" Kevin says getting in Blake's face.

"What the fuck, I do care. I care enough to come and see her!!" Blake says back

"No stop! Stop now. I don't care anymore, I'm tired of all the damn yelling and arguing. All the damn fighting, stop it dammit.!!!!!!" I yelled pushing Evan away from me.

"Ok Chrissy," Kevin says walking out the room, mad ass fuck.

"Just go Blake, all you do is fuck up Chrissy's life with your fucked up as lies." Evan says getting up walking toward him

"Ight, but I really did come to see how she was doing," Blake replied walking out.

"Ya we know, but just go. We don't need Kevin going to jail." Evan says waking Blake out

"You ok, Chrissy," Kiana asked rubbing my back.

"Ya, I'm just so tired of all the damn fighting. It gets old, like we're getting older not younger. Its time for us to grow up and stop all these childish ass games frfr" I say, sounding like my mom a little.

"You're right, it does gets old." Kiana said

"I know, plus I'm tired of getting hurt. The pain, I go throw......." I didn't even finish it cause Kevin comes ruining in the room.

"Evan! Evan got shot!!" He says, catching his breathe

"What....?" I say, tears in my eyes, hand on my heart.

"We walked out the doors, then the gun shots went off..." Kevin says walking up to my mom, hugging her.

"No! Evan....!" I screamed pulling the IV's out my arm.

"Chrissy, stop don't do that!!" My mom yells trying to get to me meanwhile my dad is holding her back.

"No, Doll face!" Kevin yells holding me down as I ran down the hall, looking for Evan.

"No let me go, Kevin please," I yelled trying to get out his grip.

"No, I understand. Y'all were close, but he's gonna be ok." Kevin says, rubbing my back

"No! Kevin you don't understand. We weren't close. Evan was my best friend, he was a brother more and better than you were. When I had no one, Evan was there. Evan is my rock and without him,.what the fuck am I gonna do.?....huh" I yelled at him pushing him away. Standing up waking, looking for Evan again.

"Ight that's how u feel Chrissy. I know I wasn't the greatest brother. I treated u like shit. I'm actually trying to change, then u fucking snap on me," Kevin says after walking away "and ur going the wrong way, Evan's room is over here." He says pointing the opposite direction of the way I was walking.

Kevin goes back to my room after telling me the number to Evan's room. I feel like I hurt him, but its true and he knows it.

"Chrissy?" I hear as I walk pass a room door cracked open a little.

"Who's the fuck?" I asked backing away from the door.

"Mr. Jackson, can u not try to sit up?" A lady said

"Evan?" I called

"Chrissy, open the door for her?" He asked the lady who looked like she was 24 25 years old.

"Ok," she says

"Yhank u, Evan?" I asked touching his arm

"Hey sissy, I heard what u said to Kevin," he says

"Oh well its true" I replied looking away from him

"He's trying, Chrissy look at me," Evan says pulling me on his chest

"Evan please stop," I said pulling away

"No, lay down," he says moving, making room for me

"Ok," I said after talking for like 30 minutes, we fell asleep.

We woke up to my mom shaking us lightly.

"Guys, Chrissy" She says

"Uhm Ya" I replied

"Umm Chrissy ur on my arm, move plz?" Evan says

"Sorry." I said

"Mr. Jackson, u can go home now," The lady said taking the IVs out.

"Thank u, come on Chrissy." Evan says lifting me up, carrying me to the car.

"Ma, open the door." Kevin says

"Aye, Kev u good?" Evan asked, setting me in the back seat

"Don't worry about it, I'm good." Kevin replied looking out the window.

"I'm sorry Kevin," I said, laying on his,lap

"Its ok," He says pulling me in kissing my head.

After falling asleep on Kevin. I dreamed about this boy,who goes to our school. 

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