Taco Bell saga

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Tyler's pov
     We had arrived at the hotel after the two days and we had this one free day. Josh took this  opportunity to sleep, Debby took this to go shopping, and me and Echo well. "Hey Echo since everyone else wants to be lazy and boring let's go to Taco Bell and Starbucks" I said using a basic bitch voice to say Starbucks. She agreed to it as we began our walk to find Taco bell which wasn't hard,  it was across the street.

       "Ok Ty what are you getting?"She asked "I'm getting-" but I paused and realized "Wait what did you just call me?"I asked confused and surprised. "New nickname"She stated and I shrugged it off. I actually kinda liked the nickname, she got a chalupa cravings box and so did I. We got a bag so that we could begin our journey to starbucks. "Carry me it's to far"I wined, "Ty"She said with a sigh, then I began to pout "It's literately right next door"She said, "Hmph"I exaggerated earning a laugh from her. I loved to hear her laugh and her voice. We finally got home after that long walk and sat down to eat. "So a ferret"I said "They are so cute and just"She began and I laughed she was such a dork, I wanted her to be my dork.

     "Soooo when your birthday?"I asked "Don't tell people but it's April 5th"She said, that wasn't to far from now actually it was just about two weeks away. "What about yours?"She asked, "December 1st"I said and she smiled "Winter boy"She stated I gave her a confused look "That's your nickname"she said, I rolled my eyes.

     "You know what I just realized"She said getting up to throw out the garbage from what had ate. "What did you just realize dork?"I asked, "We didn't exchange phone number" she laughed out, I hit myself in the head how could we have forgotten something like that. so we did we gave each other our phone numbers and wrote in our names. "What do you want to do now?"She asked me, "Ever get on top of your car with sodas and watch the cars and talk?,  well I think it would be better on a bus"I said turning my head to look at hers and she smirked.  We raced each other out to the bus to see who could get in and go to the top from the two safety exits faster, she won.

       "I let you win this time"I said, "What ever helps you sleep at night Winter boy"she mocked. "You do"I mumbled under my breath "What?"she smiled confused. "Nothing"I said very fast.

Echo's pov

     I heard very faintly him say I help him sleep at night, though I was probably hearing things. We both popped open our root bears and began. We watched as cars speed by "Who paints a Jeep vomit green"Tyler said in disgust, "Maybe he likes it"I said earning a smile and a cute stare from Tyler. "What would happen if I were to jump onto on of the moving cars?"I asked, "Uhhh I don't know,  DEATH maybe"Tyler said sarcastically,  I rolled my eyes at his comment. Maybe I should try it then, no I wanna be here for him. We end up getting down and going to sleep in bed cuddled up together.

The following three days consisted of concerts,  Taco Bell, Josh back flipping, Tyler annoying me, Debby and me getting scared from reading horror stories, and well so on.

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