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Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:

Hebrews 12:14

Read: 2 Corinthians 7:1-2


To succeed in life and make it to heaven, you need both vision and action. Vision is no doubt one of the most powerful forces available to man on earth today. Vision gives meaning to life. Action springs out of what we fundamentally desire. Someone once said, “Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision is just passing the time. Vision with action can change the world.” Specifically, what vision, coupled with action is needed to change the world and ensure that we make it to heaven? It is the vision of peace and holiness. We need peace to change the world. Christians are enjoined to follow peace with all men (Hebrews 12:14). The Bible also makes it clear that peace makers shall be called the children of God (Matthew 5:9).

As a Christian, you are expected to live at peace with your neighbours. The first group of neighbours you should be at peace with are your loved ones. These include members of your household or family. Ensure that you live at peace with all members of your nuclear family which includes: your spouse, your children, your parents and your siblings. You should also live peacefully with all members of your extended family, being your uncles and aunties, cousins, nieces and nephews. You should endeavour to live peacefully with all members of your family, regardless of their religion and regardless of whether they give you peace of mind or not. It is unscriptural for a Christian to neglect his or her children or aged parents. Take good care of your children, parents and all your loved ones. Ensure that you give them peace of mind. Another group of people we should live peacefully with are those living in the same community with us. Demonstrate true Christianity in your relationship with every member of your neighbourhood. Let them identify the love of God in your utterances and actions. Aside from your loved ones, it is your responsibility to live peacefully with those who are not kindly disposed to you. These include your persecutors and critics. Endeavour to be at peace with all who despitefully use you. Additionally, you should pray for peace in your community, nation and the entire world. It is your responsibility to pray for global peace and share the Prince of peace with all the people who are in need of salvation. Be prayerful and active in soul-winning, follow-up and discipleship. It is however not enough to follow peace with all men. It is mandatory for you as a child of God to live holy. Note that the only group of people that will see God are the pure in (Matthew 5:8).

Action Point:

Make peace with your neighbours and all who have offended you.

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