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"I believe you

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"I believe you."

"This seems great for you, Millie." Sadie joked, examining the website of a psychiatric ward on her laptop. Millie rolled her eyes.

"Speaking of a psychos, you haven't been visiting him have you?" I asked my girlfriend, turning to look at her. She shook her head.

"No. I could drop by sometime this week after work if you'd like me to?" the red head suggested, closing down the webpage.

"No, it's okay. I was just wondering if you had gone because that's the last thing he needs, contact with you." We considered Jack as 'he-who-shall-not-be-named', although the whole thing was planned, he still deserved prison time. At times, I felt guilty but then i reminded myself of what I had, I won Sadie back. I loved her and I knew one day I was going to marry her.

 I loved her and I knew one day I was going to marry her

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I hated lying.

I sat across from the small, white desk as he stared deep into my eyes. Within his black eyes, I didn't find anything, no emotion. As he stayed silent, I began to question why I even came here. But it's hard to just stop caring about somebody. "They're lying." were all the words that managed to leave Jack's mouth during my visit.

"What do you mean? Who? Lying about what?" I asked, leaning closer, demanding an answer from him. He looked down at the desk, then back up at me, staying silent. I slammed my hands down on the desk in annoyance, and pushed myself up from the desk, ready to leave. He was clearly insane and wasn't ready to say something that made sense. As I began to walk away, he spoke.

"Your friends." This made me stop in my tracks. Then I reminded myself, he's insane, he's a liar. I continued walking out of the visiting room as the officers took him away, back to his cell.

I got into my car and went to put the keys in the ignition, yet I had a bad feeling in my stomach. There was no way my friends were lying about something. He's insane.

Isn't he?

Thank you for reading, you are all angels and i love you all!
Thank you for so many reads and votes on part 1, I am so so happy you guys enjoyed it and I hope you enjoy part 2 aswell!
Feel free to give me any constructive criticism on things you feel like need improving and I'll take them into consideration (:
Reading the first book back, there are so many plot holes and people even commented about it, I apologise and I'll do my best to make sure everything is fixed in this book!
Updates will be 3 times a week, hopefully on a Monday, Friday and Saturday.
Thank you, again.
- sophie xx

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