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Hannibal's mind was in and out of a trance, he didn't know what was real and what wasn't. All of his energy had been drained. The suited men threw Hannibal down onto the cemented floor, his body cut and bruised. One of the men yanked Hannibal's gun from the back of his trousers and threw it across the floor before stepping away. The coldness of the floor ran through Hannibal's body like an electric shock. His body shaking, blood dripping and mind in a state. Hannibal was reluctant to lift his head because he knew what sat several meters in front of him. Hannibal pressed his palms onto the floor beneath him and brought himself to his knees, his head still hanging from his neck. He rose his head.

Will sat there. In silence. His wrists bound behind him and ankles to the chair. His shirt was ripped down the front and cuts ran across his chest. His curly brown hair hung in front of his eyes as he became more lifeless. His bullet wounds were visible and the 'smile' across his abdomen. He breathed heavy, tears streaming down his cheeks. Hannibal gritted his teeth and clenched his fists once again. "I'm going to fucking kill you." Hannibal growled under his breath at the short man. The man knew how to get to Hannibal, it worked. The man let out a little giggle. "Oh, Hannibal. You really think you can get at me. There is one of you and 7 of us." Hannibal slowly looked around the room to see 6 suited men stood around them, all over 6ft tall. "Let him go!" Hannibal took all of his breath to shout. "You have me, now... let him go" Hannibal's head fell once again due to his lack of energy and the man stood over Hannibal. "It pains you to see him hurting, doesn't it? It really hurts to see your loved ones scarred right in front of your eyes." Hannibal looked up to the man in confusion. "Florence 1995." The man continued on. "Right in front of my eyes you killed the woman I loved. I see it all happen. I was just too far away..." "Why now?!" Hannibal snarled. "Have you been a coward... all these years." Hannibal's voice became muffled. "You killed the only woman I have ever loved you bastard!" The man shouted as he took a swing at Hannibal catching him on his jaw and causing Hannibal to collapse onto his side. "STOP!" Will's shout beckoned through the building as all of his muscles tensed. Hannibal spit the blood from his mouth and wiped it on his sleeve. The man took a slow walk over to Will and stood behind him. Hannibal managing to take a glance at the pistol tucked down the back of the short man's trousers. "Now I want to kill the man you love right in front of your eyes." The man picked a pocket knife from inside his trouser leg and clicked it open. Twiddling it in between his fingers. "Will Graham... You endangered this man whilst saving him at the same time. Now to me that seems crazy... but to you that may seem heroic. Now on the run you two have become quite comfortable in each other's company. A man so incapable of love has managed to fall for Mr. Graham." He smirked as he pressed the knife against the side of Will's neck and slowly pulled it downwards, causing blood to trickle down and Will to let out a whimper.

"I remember now." Hannibal sniffed under his breath. The man stopped. "What was that Hannibal? I couldn't quite hear you..." The man smiled and began to walk towards Hannibal. "I remember..." Hannibal picked himself up. "Your 'loved one' died on the surgery table. I couldn't save her. No one could." The man's fists clenched as he stood across from Hannibal. "You was the one that put her there Jay." Rage flooded the man's eyes. "If you didn't shoot your 'loved one' then she wouldn't be dead." Hannibal exclaimed. "It was an accident!" The man screamed as he leapt forward, Hannibal quickly, with all his strength, jumped to his feet and punched the short man in his stomach. Whilst reaching around the back of him and hauled the gun out of the mans trousers. Then following to kick the man in the back of his legs causing his legs to crash down before him all within seconds. Hannibal stood strong pointing the gun at the back of the short mans head. Directly behind Hannibal one of the suited men had picked the gun up from the floor and pressed it against the doctors head. "You kill me Hannibal, you both die to." The short man smiled. Without hesitation a gun shot flew through the building. The short man's lifeless body fell to the cemented floor as blood flowed from his head. Hannibal turned to face the barrel of the gun as the suited man pulled the trigger.

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