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* skip to the hospital *
* you sign and sit in the waiting room with Hailey *
A:What's one of weirdest pregnancy cravings you've had so far?
H: probably pickles with peanut butter or Reese's Pieces with pickles
A: ewww😂
H: yeah it was actually good
*you both start laughing*
A: so do you want a boy or a girl?
H: doesn't matter as long when the baby comes out the cravings stop
H: when I go to the store I get weird stares for 1 get candy/ Peanut butter with pickles and 2 being pregnant
A: omg you should do a gender reveal
H: that would be so cute I should
A: talk to Alex about it and convince him to do it and me and the girls will plan and decorate
H: ok
Nu: Ariana Hernandez
* you and Hailey get up and walk with the nurse and she takes you to a room*
Nu: ok before we start the procedures I have questions to ask you
A: ok
Nu: ok have you gotten your period yet?
A: Yeah I have
Nu: ok? Nausea with or without vomiting?
A: no I haven't been vomiting
Nu: ok that's good. Have you been having Headaches, Mood swings, Faintness and dizziness, anything like that
A: No not really I've been having headaches tho but not frequently
Nu: ok? I'm asking a lot of questions just to be sure
A: ok
*she leaves the room*
H: omg imagine if I have twins
A: hopefully
H: eeee I'm so happy
*the doctors walks in*
*Doctor 1 - Doc 1 . doctor 2- Doc 2*
Doc 1: hi I'm the Doctor who is going to do the ultrasound
Doc 2: I'm going to do the bloodwork right now
A: ok
* she pulls out a needle and you feel like fainting *
H: hey Ari you good?
A: I don't like needles
Doc 2: it will be a little pinch and that's it
H: just squeeze my hand
* you grab her hand and you feel the needle enter and you feel like crying a little tear falls down your cheek *
Doc 2: ok and we are over this is a more officiant but it will take 1-2 days to tell
A: ok
Doc 2: we will call you if it's negative or positive
A: thank you
Doc 2: no problem
* she walks out and the other doctor does the ultrasound and doesn't see anything another doctor walks in to take off your cast and when she takes it off they say you can go him and will tell you if the bloodwork is negative or positive *
To be continued

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