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* you walk out and see Jabez alone sitting on the floor with his back onto the lockers you decide to go sit next to him *
A: let me guess she cheated on you?
J: *sniffs* Yeah
A: oh *you give him a side hug not looking at him tho*
J: are we still going to prom?
A: no
J: why?
A: because the boy who I wanted to go with broke my heart
J: I'm-
J: I haven't fallen out of love with you Ariana
A: if you really did love me then you wouldn't have done it
J: but I just want you to know that
A: you know how bad it hurts to come home to you boyfriend who you loved so much to see them cheating on you with a cake face
*he lays his head on your shoulder*
J: I just want you to know that I still love you and I will always love you Ariana and I want us to be a thing again but if you need Time I get it I'll wait for you
A: ok I need to go back to class tho
J: bye Ari
A: bye
* you walk back into class *
G: what took you so long?
A: I have my reasons
Al: she was probably with her Jabez
A: actually yeah I was with Jabez I was comforting him because he cheated and went to Brianna, but I knew she wasn't going to treat him right and when I walked outside he was sitting on the floor i guess crying which I don't know who would cry over her
G: let me stop you there
Al: I already know who he was crying for
G: you should know to Ari
Al: think
A: he was crying over me wasn't he
Al: duh
A: should I forgive him?
Al: Idk
G: maybe
A: its toon soon not yet
G: I'm going to ask Destiny to be my date to prom and my girlfriend
A,Al: omg I'm dying of uwu's 😻😻
* you guys keep talking Until the bell rang you walk out with Alex and Giovanny you keep walking until you see Jabez kissing another girl *
A: I guess the I love you didn't mean anything
Al: oh well y'all ain't dating no more
G: but he said I love you to her
A: whatever bye see y'all later
*you walk to your locker to get your language arts book you turn around quickly and trip and fall on a boy *
??: I'm sorry
A: no it's my fault I tripped and fell
J: what the fuck Ari
A: what?*you get up and help the boy up*
J: why were on him?
A: I could ask you the same question
J: what?
A: why were you up on that girl huh you said you loved me you said you would wait for me I was going to forgive you but I guess you found another one so there is no need to forgive you
*you turn to the boy*
A: I'm sorry I'm Ariana but you can call me Ari
??: I'm Jesse
*you guys walk away from Jabez*
A: are you Rachel's sister?
Je: yeah how did you know?
A: I'm like really clumsy and I accidentally bumped into her I helped her up and walked her to her 1st period she told me about you
Je: oh
A:yeah what's your next period?
Je: Language arts Mrs Camnker
A: me too
Je: wanna wall together?
A:why not
*jabez pov*
I saw a girl she wanted me to come to her and I went up and she grabbed my face and kissed me but when we stop I walked away and see Ariana on a boy
J: what the fuck Ari
A: what?*she gets up and helps the boy up*
J: why were on him?
A: I could ask you the same question
J: what?
A: why were you up on that girl huh you said you loved me you said you would wait for me I was going to forgive you but I guess you found another girl so there is no need to forgive you
* she turns around and walks away with the boy I felt my heart shader *
*your pov*
* jn 3rd period *
A: you want to sit next me and my friends?
Je: sure
* you and Jesse walk to your table *
Des: Damnnnn
H: shi he cute
De: hottie
A: bruh y'all got boyfriends
Des: not me
A: mmm ok anyways this is Jesse
A: Jesse this is Destiny,Desiree,And Hailey
J: hey
*yall talk and do the Assignment Mrs.C gave you*
*bell rings*
A: can I have your schedule?
* you see he has 4th, 5th and 7th period with you*
A: well we have 4th 5th and 7th period together
Je: oh that's cool
•Skip to in 4th period•
*you sit with Jesse and you keep seeing Jabez looking at you and Jesse laugh and smile *
*Jabez pov*
I see Ariana and that boy laughing and smiling it broke me I get up walk out of the class
*end of pov *
*your pov*
I see Jabez walk out of class and I decide to follow him
A: are you ok?
J: no I'm not fucking ok!
A: Chill!
J: how!
A: what's wrong?
J: I miss you Ariana I miss you touches at night I miss your laughs I miss being with you I miss waking up next to you I miss you so fucking much
A: what do you want me to do?
J: please be with me again
A: i-i can't.  not right now
J: please Ariana it literally hurts my heart
A: I can't
* jabez grabs your hand and pulls you in a hugs you *
* 2 minutes later *
J: Brianna was shit I miss you
A: I can't Jabez you hurt me, chris- never mind
J: Chris what?
A: noting your probably going to forget and move onto the next girl
J: what. did . Christopher do?
A: * you explain everything *
J: I'm going to kill him
A: please don't
J: he hurt you
A: yeah but you are still my friend and I don't want my friend going to jail ok
* a smile goes on his face *
A: Chill I know what you thinking but we are just friends nothing more ok?
J: better than nothing * you guys walk back to the class*
Je: everything good?
A: Yup
*skip to lunch *
*you and Jesse walk to your usual table with your friends *
A:hey guys this is Jesse
A: Jesse this is Destiny Desiree Hailey Alex Giovanny Diego and Jabez
Je: hi
*you sit down and he sits next to you*
A: y'all should come to my house today
All: ok
Je: so what's good to do around here?
A: um there is Sky Zone, Malls, Go Karting, Laser tag, Paint balling and like 30 minutes away is the big part of LA
Je: oh is there any beaches around here?
A: yeah like 20 minutes away
Des: so what did you name your dog?
A: Meeko I love him
G: that's awkward
Al: lets change the conversation ummm ...
H: hey Desiree how are you and Diego doing?
D: we doing good you and Alex?
Al: we doing good
D: I asked Hailey
Al: fine then * he makes a pouty face *
H: were doing good, So where do you come from Jesse?
Je: I come from Florida I really like it over there even tho it be getting like 100 degrees over there and when we would we go to the beach it was the best thing ever
A: do you have any stories about the beach?
Je: yeah I don't know if y'all know my sister Rachel but when she was 10 I was 12 it was jellyfish time
Al: what the fuck is Jellyfish time??
Je: it's when a lot of jellyfish migrate down south and stay around the beach for about 1 week but it only happens 1 every month so it was that time of the month and I see like 3 jellyfish coming to Rachel and I Push her into the jellyfish and run from them
A: omg your so mean * you start to laugh *
* you look over your shoulder and see Jabez on his phone texting...*

To be continued
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