Chapter 18

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Hello everybody thanks for waiting. Hope you have fun reading! Xxx your author.


They have unpacked all of Mei and Yukhei's stuff and put some furniture back together. Please don't ask about Mei's IKEA bed or Yukhei will get a spontaneous headache. After everything is placed nicely they go back to the school to pick up the kids.

They don't even get a chance to say hi to them because Taeyong has already pulled them aside. "So, I might have had a visit from the principal this morning to inform me about an address change of one of my students" he says looking straight at Yukhei. "Which isn't that weird but what was weird is that the address is strangely familiar" he continues now looking at Mark who just shrugs. "LIke did I miss the wedding or something, what is happening?"

Taeyong asks. Yukhei starts laughing like a maniac at that, attracting all the attention from the other parents. but then again they already thought they were weird so it doesn't really matter.

"No we just live together" Mark says casually before collecting the laughing man beside him and pulling him away to get the kids.

"Jaehyun they're not married!" "Tae.." "I was already scared they didn't invite me you know and I need to keep track of where the project markhei is going". "Taeyong please, stop screaming through the hallways" Jaehyun protest.

Meanwhile, Yukhei and Mark have made sure to get their kids and all of their belongings. The times Mars has accidentally forgotten his son's backpack aren't countable on two hands anymore, neither on three.

When they're outside Mei screams "Bye Ash" as she is starting to pull Yukhei with her to the direction of what used to be their home.

"Mei we need to go the other way" Yukhei tells her while pulling her towards Mark and Ash who are waiting on them, or at least Mark is."Why?" Mei says confused. "It a surprise" Mark responds, grabbing her other hand as they start walking to the car.

Mei isn't confused when they arrive at Mark and Ash's house, however, she is confused when she walks in and she sees some of her and her dad's belongings sprawled across the place. She pulls at Yukhei's sleeve to get his attention.

Yukhei stopped untying her shoes and look at her. "Daddy, why is our stuff here, did you do a magic trick?" she asks her eyes opened wide. Yukhei looks at Mark who nods at him.

"Ehm, from now on we'll be living here, with Mark and Ash" he tells her carefully, scared about her possible reaction.

"Really?" Ash asks Mark who just responds with a simple "Yes". "Yeayyyy" Mei squeals while partially strangeling Yukhei because she hugs him that hard. "I'm so happy I can live with my best friend, thank you daddy" she says totally oblivious about the fact that YUkhei and Mark didn't do this especially for her.

"Where's Felicia?" she asks Yukhei when she has let him go out of her death grip. (who remembers Felicia?) "In Ash's and your bedroom" Yukhei responds. Mei gets pulled away by Ash who's bored and wants to play, not caring a bit out the fact that he now has to share his room. It probably helps that they're best friends.

"So we're just gonna pretend we did this all for their benefit?" Mark says once he and Yukhei are all cuddled up on the couch, finally getting some rest. "Well I'd be fine with that, this is the perfect argument to use in discussions" Yukhei says and Mark lets out a chuckle "True".

They're watching some tv -laughing their minds of because of those tell sell commercials- when Mark suddenly presses the pause button and look straight at Yukhei. "Wait, who's

Felicia" he says. "Mei's My little pony, do I need to introduce her to you?" his boyfriend answers teasingly. "No thanks" Mark says. "What, she is totally a part of this family you know?" Yukhei responds faking being shocked. Mark snorts.


The next morning Yukhei realizes that he doesn't mind this. He doesn't mind waking up next to Mark at all and a part of him wants to thank that woman for causing this.

They have breakfast and Mark leaves for work as Yukhei takes the kids to school. It takes him a while to get away from an -still- overly excited Taeyong showing his boyfriend that "Look Yukhei is bringing the kids to school".

When he finally gets to work he is greeted by Johnny and Yuta. When they have a break

Yuta asks Yukhei how the dinner went. "The dinner went great" Yukhei says before telling them the rest of what had happened and that he and Mei moved in with Mark.

"I knew Mark was a great dude" Johnny says "just so you know, I approve of your marriage". And Yuta just laughs as Yukhei chokes on his coffee.

Meanwhile, Mark's dad is trying to pick the kids up from school. He's looking around for Ash or Mei when he feels somebody grab his hand. "Hi" he hears a young girls voice say. Now he only has to find Ash. He looks further when he is interrupted by Ash screaming: "Grandpa that's not Mei". He looks down to find Ash and Mei standing in front of him.

Then who's holding his hand? He looks at a blonde girl smiling at him. "Sophia are you pretending to be Mei again?" a stressed out Taeyong says while yanking the girl away. She tries to get out of his grip shouting something along the lines of "Ashieeeeee help" before the teacher delivers her to her mom.

"Well let's go home now should we?" Mark's dad says taking the real Mei's hand this time.

Mark picks them up just a few hours later. "So I need to say something" he says to his parents. "What, Yukhei got you pregnant?" his dad says before laughing at his own joke. "No Yukhei and Mei moved in with me and Ash" Mark says trying to read his parent's expressions.

"Does that mean we can babysit Mei more often?" his mom says hopefully. "That's the only question you have?" Mark asks confused. "Should I have more?" his mom says. "No...but yeah you can babysit her as well" Mark answers.

Mark lets himself then being pulled outside the house by two hungry kiddos. When they come home Yukhei has just finished making dinner and suddenly Mark feels like some of the puzzle pieces are falling into place.

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