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There was a beautiful saree in it ...I took it and moved towards him to thank him..he was locking our bedroom door...
"ARNAV ji thank you for the gift and the note.."I said this feeling special but it was short lived ...
He came closer and what he said shocked me to the core...

"Listen you don't think I am accepting you or is falling for you it will never happen ...just remember that .what ....what do you mean ?ARNAV ji...
Inside these four walls you will be nothing but just a person whom I am tolerating ...
Listening this I was broken as I don't love him but somehow it hurts me...I started moving towards bed when he stopped me ...

"Where the hell are you going.....umm to bed... not so easily that's my bed you sleep on the couch....
I silently moved as my tears starts flowing down. .. (why he is suddenly acting like this what was yesterday and today's care and things)..

"ARNAV ji why are you acting like this ...did I do something wrong??
He chuckled  no no you didn't my father did he forced me to marry you...and don't take yesterday's  or today's event seriously I did all that because my MAA was watching us..."

He came closer and grip my hands hurting me to core "remember outside these four walls we are happy couple who are trying to work on there relationship  but inside this room we are nothing and don't you dare to tell anyone about it"
Saying this he storm to bathroom and I was shocked or say broken...I didn't know what just happened ....

(Why...why it always happens with me..God can't you see me happy for a while...I was happy that I have got a good and caring husband but ....why me ...what will I do
Due to crying sleep engulf me ....

Next morning I opened my eyes and my neck was paining due to couch ....quickly finishing my morning chores went downstairs and before going to kitchen I went towards temple to take blessing of god silently asked for everyone happiness and to provide me strength and show some path..
I prepared the breakfast ....ARNAV ji shouted from our umm his room "Hp bring my coffee"..
I prepared the coffee and gave to Hp to give him but my bad MAA came " Khushi you should go...try to spend some time with your husband ..."
(If she knows what is between us .. I was scared to go near him)
Standing outside the door I was battling with my inner self I muster my courage and knocked on the door...
A stern voice came "come in"...
He was facing his back towards me I hurriedly  put the coffee on the table and turn to leave without coming in front as I was about to step my foot outside he turned .
Next thing was the cup was in air and I hissed in pain liquid ooze out from my arms I cover my face with arms when he threw that cup near me or say on me....
I usher myself to bathroom and locked it...after god knows how much hours I came out from there....finding his room empty I sigh ...

One thing I know my life will never have the love and happiness  that I longing for ....hiding my bruised I went downstairs  but to my shock ARNAV ji was still here with MAA. ..

As went near MAA "Khushi beta how did you got hurt ....she was looking for something in my eyes and I quickly  lied that I banged with the door"..."ARNAV ji stood up and came near me cupping my face he checked the bruised  and ask did it hurt at one moment  I was confused for his concern when he is the sole reason for this...he made me sit on chair and called Hp to bring first aid I was giving into his actions when I remember  his words (pretend  to be a happy couple outside his room)

He ripped  the bandage and gently put over the bruise ...maa bring the breakfast for me and back to kitchen for preparing papa breakfast  ..I was about to start when he held my hand (what's now can't I eat too) he took a spoonful of porridge  and near my mouth I opened and closed my mouth..my eyes were watered as the porridge was hell hot and I know he is doing this on purpose I kept silent as MAA was near us ....
I didn't expect anything less then this...

( is it really my fault that he has to marry me don't he has mind to think that he is not alone the victim here but me too)..
Passing each day with difficulty and every single day I get torture by him in night without knowing the mistake but yes he keeps on torturing me .....

One afternoon he came home early and anounced that he has to go for business trip I was dancing from inside finally he will be away from me.."Khushi beta go make some tea and coffee "said maa .I was happy so I went instantly to kitchen ...When I came back my lovely maa dropped the bomb on me.."beta go pack the bags and put everything for at least 2 months... "....whatttttt..... yes the work may extend and so I decide you will accompany chote too....
I looked towards ARNAV ji (thinking he may decline but he never go against maa )with the heavy heart I started towards his room..

Here I m abroad it's been a week away from everyone I didn't have much work to do here getting up in morning making breakfast and after ARNAV leaving sitting in my room with nothing to do...
It was like another day for me....my phone started ringing my friend lavanya name flash (I forget to tell you about my friend lavanya..she is the one who stood for me like my family..)
"Hii lav..how are you.."
Happy  birthday my baby she kissed on phone.... (oh yeah it's my birthday ...)thank you lav and kissed her....ARNAV ji came and shouted on me .I told luv I will call her back and cut the call...

Do tell me how you feel about this chapter....
ARNAV's behaviour  ....
Did you expect this thing....
Till Sunday have fun,enjoy and stay healthy😍😙❤

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