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                              One Lightyear Away

Orion was usually more sensible.

What kind of mission is so important that I have to be sent all the way to...Earth.

The worst of all planets. Literally.

"Your objective is to find the child. Each of you will be sent to different parts of the planet. Denebola, you'll be in China. Eridani you'll be in Italy. Kapteyn-" Why are we sending so many people for one little child? We don't even know why Orion wants him.

"Altair, you'll be sent to The Unites States of America. Everyone clear?"

"AMERICA!?" Ok, Earth is one thing. But seriously, the worst country in the worst planet.

"Yes. Someone has to go." Orion smirks. Oh, I get it. He's doing it on purpose. I guess this is punishment for blowing up Castor, Orion's mother.

Listen. She had to go. Don't judge me.

"I hate you more than Castor. And that's hard to achieve." I seethed. He just rolled his eyes with a small smile.

People started to exit the room because they know how awkward our arguments get. Mostly because I fight dirty.

"Listen Altair, this boy is dangerous. We have reason to believe he is in America so that's why I'm sending you. You're the strongest warrior we have."

"Wow, a huge ego booster. Well, it's not working this time, onion." Pulling out old nicknames is a goldmine for me.

"You should go." He says now looking serious. He's always so salty. Maybe because I developed a habit of blowing up his family.

Not like he really cares anyway. Extraterrestrial beings aren't meant to feel many emotions. So he barely loved them. Vice versa.

I, however, got stuck in the department with feeling too many emotions. One, in particular, anger.

"What is so dangerous about the child, anyway?" He doesn't answer, flipping me off instead. He's so confusing.

Two days until a manhunt for someone who is hardly a man yet.

I leave the room with no further hesitance. Orion has been such a pain lately. Everything has been about this kid. This mission. Finding him. Well, I might as well have fun while looking for a small sixteen-year-old. Gonna spend most my time in California, surfing. Doing whatever humans do when they are avoiding getting a job.


Lol I could've swore this was longer when I was writing it. I'm going to try my best to at least get 1k words in these chapters.

- lil Taco

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23, 2019 ⏰

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