What's mine is yours

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Izukuda sat in the big backed chair in side of All For Ones office. She sat in front of his desk , holding her hands nervously fiddling. She let little glowing strings trail out of the tips of her fingers and she messed with them as she waited. She could feel her boss's eyesnon her. She chewed on her lip.
Then AFO sat down and cleared his throat.
"Y-yeas sir ? " She asked quickly , her eyes wide.
You could see he was trying to hide his smile.
" Well , I have big news for you my little follower " he chuckled.
Such potential , my little pawn will have so much power ! Thought AFO.
" Well , I won't break this to you so take it as it is " he said.
Izukuda nodded rapidly looking at her hands.
" Your brother Izuku has been given my nemasis quirk , One for All. As you know you have the supirior quirk of All for One , and we are destined to fight ,the bearer of one for all and all for one that is. And it is destined that one for all will win. But the thing is , an experiment was conducted years ago. A user of One for All , had a twin. And even though the twin had not been given One for All , he had it due to his brother being given it. As an experiment , I temporarily gave One for all to a twin. His brother did NOT get All for one , do you see what I'm saying my little prodigy ? ".
Izukuda just stares at him.
" Izukuda , answer me when I speak to you " he said , his tone friendly by mildly threatening.
She nodded quickly.
" S-sir. My brother w-was given O-one for A-all. So that means , i-i have , , , One for All " Izukuda whispered.
Tears streamed down her face. She looked down ashamed of her weakness.
So she didn't see AFOs power hungry get grin. He made her standup and walk out of his office.
All the while grinning .

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2019 ⏰

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