Play It Like You Mean It: Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

“Kayla? You okay this morning?” Dad asked from across the table as I tried not to fall asleep.

Last night, I was tossing and turning, and nightmares kept on coming, so I couldn’t sleep at all. Even when I tried to close my eyes, those images would return, making wake up again.

“I’m just tired,” I answered and sipped my coffee, hoping to get some caffeine so I can function for the day.

He nodded, and checked his Blackberry, for like the tenth time this morning. I shook my head and gave him a hug before I left for school. I burned rubber out of the driveway and headed straight towards school. I was stopping near the stoplight when a flash on my right made me turn. It was a figure on a silver motorcycle, with a helmet and leather jacket. I studied the figure and he turned his head towards me. I was then staring into blue eyes.

He gave me a wink before driving ahead of me, with me following right behind him. I smirked then and drove faster on my Porsche, almost hitting 85 miles per hour and dangerously close to Asher. When he saw me next to him, he accelerated, and inching ahead, while my four wheels push faster. We were neck to neck when Hamilton came into view and I made a sharp turn into the parking lot, with him a few inches behind me.

Seeking a empty parking lot, I drove into it, with Asher parking his bike next to my lot.

“Cheater,” he said to me as I popped open my car door and grabbed my backpack and bass guitar from the trunk.

“I didn’t cheat. It’s not my fault my car is faster than your bike,” I answered.

He just shook his head and gave me a cocky smile that make my stomach do flip flops.

“Is that your bass?” He asked me, noticing the guitar case I’m holding in my hands.

I nodded, “Yeah. I doubt this thing would fit in my locker, so I’m doom to carry this thing around for the rest of the day.”

“You know, you can put it in your car and get it later,” he told me with a “duh” look and I glared.

“But I’m too lazy,” I whined and he laughed.

“Then let’s go put this in the music room with the rest of our instruments,” he took the guitar from me and led me into the music building on campus.

“Wait, they let you put your instruments here?” I asked him doubtfully.

“Yeah, but we take it home for the weekend because we practice on the weekend at one of our houses,” he replied.

I nodded and continued walking. As we pass, some girls gave me death glares while guys looked at me with lust in their eyes. I scoffed and Asher turn to me with a smirk.

“Stupid testosterone fueled perverts,” I muttered and he chuckled.

“Oh, like estrogen is better,” he answered and I lightly punched his shoulder.

“Ow,” he complained and I snickered.


“You punch like a girl, which it why it hurts.”

“That’s because I am a girl,” I snapped at him.

Before he can reply to that, we stepped into the music room to see the band already there, whispering amongst themselves. Why the hell are they whispering when no one is even here but them?

“Hey, guys,” Asher greeted and they turn to greet him but stopped when they saw me.

“What the hell are you doing here?” Jessie hissed.

I smirked, “I don’t know. I feel like bitching on someone today and you happen to be the first person to agitate me.”

She stood up from her chair and clenched her fist and I gave her a wider smirk. Bring it. Damien, however, grabbed her arm and pulled her down onto and chair and gave her a look that said “behave.”

“Oh, come on, Damien. You’re seriously going to ruin my fun this morning?” I whined and he just shook his head at me in amusement.

“Alright, everyone, you all know McKayla, and she agreed to be our bass guitarist,” Asher announced and I received mix reactions.

Evan looked apathetic, Damien grinned, and Jessie looked pissed. I could see the smoke coming out of her ears. I turned to Asher and he gave me a slight smile.

“First thing you need to know, we practice every day after school and on weekends, we practice at whoever’s house is available,” Asher said and I nodded.

“Next thing is, sometimes we play in clubs or some random gig so you have to make time for that,” once again, I nodded.

“Oh, and our band name is Toxic Perspective,” Damien chimed in.

“Not bad of a name,” I commented.

“So that’s that. We’ll meet her after school then,” Asher said and we all turned to leave.

I was the last one out, with Jessie in front of me, so it was surprising when she turned back and glared at me.

“Stay away from Asher,” she growled and I raised my eyebrows.

“And if I don’t?” I asked her just to provoke her.

“Then I swear to God that I will do anything in my power to make you suffer,” she warned.

I chuckled and said, “You should try swearing to Satan instead.”

As I was walking away, I saw Asher coming up towards her and said, “Jessie, we need to talk.”

I felt like I could kill Jessie all of the sudden and turn to glance back to see Jessie giving Asher a flirtatious smile. My heart felt like it might explode then and I couldn’t take it anymore. With some hard effort, I kept walking. It seems to me like Asher and I just don’t belong in the same world.

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