
987 47 11

It was the next day after the, let's call it an incident, and Eunwoo went to the doctor as he had promised to Myungjun and Jinwoo. Eunwoo's headache had gone down when you compare it to how it was yesterday. It still hurt like a so-called bitch but in the end, it had gone down. Even the tiny bits count.

After the doctor's examination on the cut on the back of Eunwoo's head, he had declared that it was 'nothing to worry about'. After that, he went on to the actual bump that was on Eunwoo's head. He hit the brick wall behind him so hard that there has formed a bump on the back of his head that could not go unnoticed. If you would stroke Eunwoo's head you would feel it and if it wasn't for his thick black hair, you would've seen it as well.

The doctor told Eunwoo that he didn't have a concussion, which was good, but he did hit his head hard enough to be bothered by a headache for the remaining of the week. He suggested Eunwoo just stay at home and take a rest. When it all would hurt too much, take paracetamol or ibuprofen to release the pain.

With a sigh, Eunwoo stepped out of the hospital's building and slowly started his way home again. On the way, he texted Jinwoo what the doctor told him so that the older also could calm his ass. It was only Thursday and he was officially not allowed to go to school by the doctor's decision. Oddly, as much as Eunwoo hated school and even would skip a few classes if he desired, he hated staying home sick. He would always be bored beyond infinity and his friends were at school so he couldn't actually hang out. Also, most of the times when you stay home sick, you're as well in no condition to hang out, which sucks. 

Maybe it was for the best though, to stay home from school for two days. After Eunwoo passed out, he had no idea where Seungkwan went. Eunwoo had no idea about what Moonbin had done or say to get Seungkwan away. Seungkwan could be waiting for him the first day that he would show up at school again.

Eunwoo went past a little on-the-go grocery store to get some things he would need for the coming two days. Little things like banana milk or some instant ramen noodles. Yawning, looking down at his phone while holding every product with the other, Eunwoo stepped in line to check out.

There were quite a few people in line waiting so it took a while for Eunwoo to have his turn to pay. As Eunwoo kept looking down at his screen he suddenly heard the employee saying for the next customer to come with his products. Eunwoo looked up, thinking that it was his turn already but it wasn't, there was still someone in front of him. Also dreaming away in line like he was but also,... Staring at him.

It was Moonbin. He looked rather shocked to see Eunwoo standing in line and was too lost in his thoughts to either react to the employee or Eunwoo who was now clearly staring back. He was wearing a pair of big glasses with a thick black frame. Eunwoo never knew Moonbin had glasses and it kind of looked cute. Bin wore sloppy clothes, like a big oversized concert sweater and sweatpants underneath. The kind of clothes you wear on a Sunday. It wasn't a Sunday though, it was Thursday. A school day. Wasn't he supposed to be at school?

"It's umm.. your turn," Eunwoo spoke hesitantly and suggested with his hand for Moonbin to step towards the counter. Slowly Bin's thoughts came back to earth, he shifted his gaze and turned around to the counter to pay.

Why would he look so sloppy? Eunwoo never has seen Bin looking shabby like he wasn't taking care of himself. Thinking about what Moonbin did for him when he was unconscious yesterday, Eunwoo wanted to thank him. He couldn't find the courage to do so though. Other than what Jinwoo told him, Eunwoo had no idea what Moonbin did for him and what Bin himself went through. Jinwoo said Bin carried Eunwoo into the school... That must've been hard.

During the time that Eunwoo was contemplating whether he would say thank you or anything in general, Moonbin was already done paying for his groceries. Before Eunwoo even could blink, out the store Moonbin was.

Eunwoo watched the door slowly close again as just a faint shadow made it's way out as fast as he could. As much as Eunwoo wanted to run after him, his head wouldn't let him. Mentally and physically. It was clear that Moonbin was not in a state of talking and Eunwoo didn't want to push him also, his head was still hurting like crazy. If Eunwoo suddenly would start running his body just wouldn't take it.

In a blank state of mind, Eunwoo left the grocery store with a plastic bag filled with the things he bought. He walked home lost in thoughts he didn't realize he walked the whole lot when he arrived home.

Inside, he turned on the lights and plopped down on the couch. His decision was full of regrets instantly as his head started to pound like crazy. Tears started to sting in Eunwoo's eyes as the pain began to become too much for him. Again, both mentally and physically. He just wanted all this to never have happened. Befriending Moonbin was a mistake. This is what happens if you go out of your way to hang out with someone.

Again though, hanging out with Moonbin never felt like an act. It felt natural like he and Bin had been friends forever. Obviously, Bin didn't want to talk to Eunwoo. Hell, he probably never wanted to see him again. It was hard to believe but Bin probably never had been sincere.

Right? He never felt odd though.

Blinking up to the ceiling, Eunwoo refused to let his tears roll down. He wasn't crying over this again. When had he ever become so emotional over things? Just shrug it off damn it! This chapter is over so don't waste your tears on it. There's no way around it, right now, Eunwoo's mind is a mess.

In all frustration, Eunwoo grabbed his phone and before he knew it he searched for Jinwoo in his contacts and dialed his number. He needed to talk.

"What's up?" Jinwoo answered quickly. The sounds of a crowded place sounding like school were playing in the background. Of course, Eunwoo softly sighed, this was a school day. It was selfish to assume that he would just have time. "Eunwoo?" Jinwoo his voice sounded through the speaker again.

"Oh, it's nothing, I was just bored." Eunwoo laughed softly. This was not the moment to have a complete mental breakdown over the phone. "Ah okay.." Jinwoo said. His voice sounded deep in a low tone. Eunwoo knew this tone very well. This was the voice Jinwoo made when he knows that you're lying. Eunwoo sighed, "Jinwoo...". A gentle 'hmn?' sounded from the other side of the line, letting Eunwoo know that he was listening. "Can you maybe keep an eye out for Moonbin?" Eunwoo asked and looked back up at the ceiling. The little specks of white turned hazy and into a white hue. "Of course but why?" Jinwoo asked.

"Doesn't matter,..." Eunwoo said and paused. Closing his eyes, Eunwoo felt a single tear fall from the outer corner of his eye. "Please just do it for me, will you? You don't need to befriend him or anything... Just keep an eye out."

"Okay, I will..."

(( OKay so I prolly have some explaining to do...
I'm not dead nor have I given up on writing this story. I am indeed still motivated to give this story an ending. I just started working at my new job and it quite restraining. The other day though, I had nothing to do at work for a good three hours, I just sat and wrote on a piece of paper. (since I am not allowed to use my phone.) I got this ending thought out thoroughly so please keep an eye out for the last few updates on this story but also 'Everything I love about you.' ))

Everything I hate about you. {Binwoo} {Astro}Where stories live. Discover now