°chapter five

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"Good morning Nicky!" I waved at Emma's mother as she opened the door for me .

"Sweetie good morning!" She pulled me into a big hug .

"How are you doing today?" I asked her with a big smile .

"I'm very fine ,thank you, how about you?" She said.

"I'm fine as well , pretty excited to be honest" I nodded with a smile.

"Yeah sweetie,tour starts in 10 days . I'm gonna miss my babies" she said pretending to be sad .

"Don't worry , the days-off we will come to see you !" I said sympathetically.

"I know but they are like nothing. Three days are nothing . In controversy to three and a half months " she said.

"Oh do not worry Nicky ,Emma and I are going to miss only for two of them ,so, you will have your one baby earlier" I said sympathetically.

"What's up here ?" Emma said .

"Nothing " I said .

"Okay Sophie are you ready for shopping?" She asked me .

"Yes ,yes ! A hundred times YES!" I said with a wide smile as I hugged Emma .

"Let's go then !" Emma said .

"Have fun you two" Nicky said joining the hug.

"Thanks Mom" Emma said.

"Thank you Nicky" I said .

We left the house and took an Uber to drive us to the closest mall in the city.

We visited almost every shop.

We bought perfumes, body lotions ,hair products,bags, and clothes.

Many clothes.

As we were walking around for just a bit of window shopping Emma's phone rang.

"Who is this ?" I said.

"Harv" she said.

"Hey what's up" I heard her saying.

"Of course, see you at home ,bye" she said.
"Yes I'm going to inform Soph , actually she is right next to me " she said looking at me before rolling her eyes.

"Soph great news" Emma said to me.

"Tell me" I said.

"We have to go to Joe's office ,to hand him some needed papers" Emma said as I sighed.

"Woah ,what kind of papers" I said.

"Doctor pass to confirm that we are alright ,and our IDs,oh and four ID photos. Just for the passes " she said.

"Oh okay" I said "let's go back home then to take them and drive to Joe's office" I suggested.

"Yeah ,better rush" she said.

After a long time we were back to our homes got the papers ready as we were waiting for Harvey to arrive as well.

When Harvey came we saw him with the New Hope Club boys.

"Woah they are as well, Harvey told me nothing" said Emma sadly .

"Come on Emms" I said .

Harvey was sitting on the driver's seat ,as he was driving ,Emma next to him and the three boys with me back.

Next to me there was Blake sitting .

Harvey had his mind in driving ,as Emma was singing along to the radio songs ,Reece and George were playing a game on their phones together as me and Blake were just sitting and enjoying the whole trip .

As they were all doing something ,Blake decided to rest his hand on my thigh ,for almost the whole journey.

Hopefully none noticed it .

We headed to Joe's office,handed him the papers and the photos,as the boys were teasing eachother for their photos .

Joe was speaking to us ,telling us a good amount of information we needed to know.

When we had finished Joe suggested to go somewhere to have a lunch.

I was famished and we all agreed to go to nandos.

We had our lunch and it was finally high time for us to head home .

Nothing interesting had happened on our route to home .

Once I got home ,I was feeling very tired.

I got changed into some more comfy clothes, aka a pair of leggings and a shirt.

I took my makeup off and I decided to go join my dad who was sitting in the sofa and relax a bit.

"Hey Daddy" I said

"Oh hey Sophie how are you?" My dad said with a smile.

"I was shopping with Emma and then I went to Harvey's manager to hand him some papers needed for tour" I said.

"Ah I see"he said ." Listen " he said looking deeply at my eyes.

"Yeah " I nodded.

"I want you to be safe. I know you're 18,so technically you're an adult,but ,to me daughter you're still this pretty little girl ,my princess so I want you to be safe. I'll not be this strange strict dad who gives a good number of calls to her daughter just for reassurance. I don't want to bother you ,mainly because I trust you ,but when you have some time it would be appreciated if you text me. I love you Soph and this is your first time alone for so long . I'm pretty sure you will have an amazing time but ,for sure, text me when you have time and please let me know if something bad happens" he told this actually in one breath, as he mumbled the phrase 'I love you ' .

Yeah , he is that kind of Dad who barely express his feelings, he just wants us to understand it rather than hear it.

"Okay Dad , I'll call you every single day . You and Mom are my family and I know maybe I'll be tired ,but trust me ,I'll call you every day" I said.

"This got emotional" he said .

"Let's watch family Guy" I suggested.

"YAY" he nodded .

The whole evening it was just my Dad and I watching family Guy and laughing every single minute.

After a few hours ,my mother came back from work .

"Honey wanna join us?" My dad suggested.

"Of course" she nodded.

We then ate a salad and I headed to my bedroom as I was very tired.

I decided to stare on Blake's Instagram and then sleep.

God he was, and still is amazing.

Maybe 'Sophlake' as we were called like that by Reece ,is a bit real. Even in one facet.

-dear diary-

Today was amazing . Shopping is our favourite thing to do. We bought some self-care products and many clothes. We bought comfy ones, casual ones, Glam ones, and it goes like this.
I'm very excited to wear all of this .
Very good things are happening in my life and I'm not that sure if I deserve it. Also today we went a little road trip (okay it was two hour or so but it still remains a trip) to Joe's office. We hand him some needed papers and then went to nandos just to grab some food.
During our route, Blake was resting his hand to my thigh. I don't know if this is good or bad to be honest, as I don't really know the true Blake . We have met like a week ago so I want my time to decide if this is good or bad. Whatever it is ,is making me very happy and brings me a tone of emotions. I'm sure I like Blake.

Now, gotta go I'm very tired.

See ya tommorow

Bye xx.

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