°chapter six

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I woke up to the sound of my phone's alarm.

It was 11 pm and I was going to spend the rest of my day with Emma at her house.

We are going to pack her suitcase and the rest of the things.

I ate breakfast, dressed up and I was ready to go.
I decided to wear a pair of volleyball sorts and a t-shirt. I went for something extra casual and comfy as we won't get off of the house and we have so much stuff to do.

I walked to Emma's house rang the bell and Harvey turned up.

"Good morning Soph" Harvey pulled me for a hug.

"Morning Harv" I said while smiling.

"How ar-" he was clearly interrupted by his mother.

"SOPHIA IM SO HAPPY TO SEE YOU AGAIN HOW ARE YOU" Nicky said and Harvey rolled his eyes.

"Hey I'm good how about you?" I asked.

"Fine thank you" she said.

"Are you done mom ?" Harvey asked playfully.

" I think so" she said .

"How ar-" Harvey again interrupted.

"HOW ARE YOUR PARENTS ?" Nicky asked.

"They are good " I said with a smile.

"Oh come on" Harvey stood up and took my hand.

"We're are you taking me " I whispered to him .

"Upstairs as you can see" he said playfully.

"Very funny" I said .

"Now help my sister pack her things and then come to my room I want to speak to you . It's serious" he said , wich sent shievers down my spine.

"Okay " I said leaving him alone.

"HEY EMMS" I told quite loud.

"Hey Soph" she said playfully.

"You started without me " I said pretending to be sad.

"I've just started" she said.

"Okay let's finish then" I completed.

After four hours ,we finished packing . We left the necessary ones out so she could use them until we started travelling.

"I think we're finished" I said.

"I want to pack never again" she said a bit tired as she have been trying outfits for the past few hours ,wich to me, seemed like years.

"Now it's time to chill , I think" she said while climbing her bed .

"The best time ! " I said she nodded.

"But, before this time begins I need to use the bathroom" I said ,she nodded.

"Go ahead then " she smiled.

"I'll be back in five" I smiled as well.

"Okay" she said while laughing as we all know how long it takes me to use the bathroom.

As I opened the door I saw Harvey stood up ,he seemed as he was here for hours .

He grabbed my arm and leaded me to his room as he signed to me to be quiet .

"How long have you been sanding here ?"I said.

"Since you got in there" he said seemed annoyed.

it's you, because none else makes sense.//Blake Richardson\\Where stories live. Discover now