Upon Arrival

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Y/N: your name
Y/B/N: your band name

Y/N is a part of a widely successful rock band, along with her best friends: Joey, Tom and Harry. On July 17th is a big day for them, they fly out to New York. Since Y/N has a huge fear of flying, they have never ventured out to the USA, but Y/N is going to have to brave it as she and the rest of her band are flying from London to New York City where they will meet other celebrities who they will be staying with for 6 weeks, collaborating with and making new friendships.

Y/N has always been nervous when it comes to meeting new people, she doesn't mind so much when she's on stage, it's different. She feels as if she can control everything that is going on so it doesn't make it too difficult. But, something she IS scared of is first impressions; How to look, what to wear, how to act, what to say. It can all get too much too quickly. What makes it worse is the fact she knows there's other celebrities there, more famous than her and the band. Yeah, sure all the celebrities will know Y/B/N, it's hard not to have heard of them but she portrays this image of a badass who doesn't give a FUCK what others think, when in reality she's a sweet young girl that wouldn't ever hurt anyone.

All these thoughts running through Y/N's head are provoking her to feel anxious. She takes a deep breath in appreciating her life and trying her best to think of the good things that are going to come out of this experience, not the worst possible outcomes.
She takes one last deep breath and rolls over to the side spying the suitcases out the corner of her eye, a slight smile stretches across her soft face causing her pearly teeth to show. Y/N reaches to the lamp and turns it off, closing her eyes almost instantly. It's not long before Y/N is in a tranquil state of sleep and relaxation

The next day

Ring ring

Your eyes spring open and your heart is beating.
Holy fuck that made me jump I think to myself, barely even comprehending where i am or what day it is.
Holy shit wait a second. It's the day.

Anxiety fills your head for a split second but you shrug it off. You can't be assed today. Come on you perform in front of thousands of people. You can do this.

You reach over to your phone expecting it to be an alarm which You'd snooze a couple times before You'd eventually get up - you always liked to snooze at least three times before You got up, that way it makes you feel like You have more time than You actually do. It's the small things in life.
Wait a second that's not an alarm. It's Harry calling you

(H: Harry, Y: You)

H: yo Y/N

Y: hey man what's up

H: not a lot, I've heard some news about what's happening but it's supposed to be secret so don't tell no one okay

Y: yeah what is it

H: well apparently everyone's name is getting put into a hat and then two names are drawn out and they're sharing an apartment for the whole six weeks

Anxiety instantly fills you again. Uh oh. You're going to be sharing an apartment and most probably a bed with someone you don't know. Awkward.

Y: oh. That's cool I guess

Harry can sense the nervousness in your voice. He knows you're a softy at heart

H: it'll be chill. you got us and stuff. Who knows you might find Mr. Right out there (Harry jokes)

You laugh. The guys always make jokes about how awkward you are around guys that you find hot. You find it funny but at the same time with the guys, if you get offended by what they say they keep the joke running longer and louder than it should.

You've never had a relationship that's lasted longer than a couple months. Pathetic, You know. But it's hard to find dudes that understand you're away a lot on tour and recording albums. It's even harder for guys to understand that the only people you hang around with are guys too - men are jealous creatures.

Y: ohhh yeah Harry. Maybe you'll find Mrs. Right and we'll have baby Rights!

Harry chuckles at your response

H: we'll have to just see what happens.

There's a moment of silence

H: anyways it's obvious I woke you so I'm going to leave you to get up and do whatever the fuck you do in the mornings

Y: thanks. You're ever so considerate

You say this with sarcasm in your voice.

You say your goodbyes and then hang up. You switch the lamp on, run your eyes and stretch looking over to the right side of your bedroom to view the clock. It reads 07:30. You only live a half hour away from the airport so it's not going to take you too long to get to your 1pm flight. You always liked to be there an hour earlier just to keep your mind calm. That means you've got plenty of time to do final preparations, get changed and do your makeup.

You got up and went straight to the kitchen. You always liked to start your day with a cup of coffee- it's just how you roll. After this you decided to go straight to the bathroom to wash your face. You were going to do makeup but then you realised that it's an 8 hour flight. That makeup won't last. You decide to put mascara and eyebrow pencil in your clutch to take on board with you. And you'll just do it half an hour before landing.

Fast forward to landing from flight

Wow you're tired. That fight killed you both mentally and physically. Pretty sure you left bruises on Harry's arm from gripping so tightly. On your flight there were your band mates, Danny and Joey who found it funny to mock the way you clenched your face up whenever anything on the plane even moved. Yeah sure it got annoying but at the same time you couldn't have done that flight without them.
You get off the plane with your clutch and backpack and go through security checks. Hearing the thick New York accent from one of the airport workers wishing you a nice day. God damn that accent gets you feeling all sorts of ways

You all gather your things, your blue suitcase with a sticker of Danny with his middle finger up. No one knows how and when it got there but everyone certainly finds it hilarious.

You step outside and take a deep breath in - you forget what fresh air is like being sat next to a fart machine for eight hours.

An unusual voice shouts your band name, you walk over with your suitcases. The man introduces himself as David. He is doing the airport transfers and he's taking you too the area where the 6 week convention is happening. The flight was half an hour late - everyone will already be there by the time you guys arrive.
10 minutes of driving and you all arrive.

You walk in to instantly be greeted by two quite dapper looking young gentlemen who take all your luggage off you. You sneak them a quick smile. It was very quiet and you could feel eyes staring at you. You felt awkward to say thank you. But I think they got the message

You all walk into the room.

Wow there's a lot of people there. Probably about 100-150. You recognise most of them. I mean duh. They're celebrities. You go to your seats and a spokes person comes up.

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