Chapter 6

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After all the trees are planted, Draco and I sit in the glass area of the sitting room, drinking a glass of lemonade. A minute passes, before he states "I was thinking we could capitalize on our profit by creating a potion to let our produce grow year round."

I furrow my brow and ask "There's a potion for that?" he takes a sip and nods "I didn't know that."

He takes a second, before shrugging "You wouldn't. It was in Advanced Herbology, not Advanced Potions." 

I give a shocked look "You were in Advanced Herbology?" he nods and I frown "How many advanced classes were you in?"

He takes a minute, before replying "As many as possible, until our sixth year." I hum and he sighs "Can't believe I wanted to be an Aurora."

I gock, before remarking "That would be funny." He takes another sip, before asking "How did we go from worrying about crushes and OWLs, to changing our names and hiding out as farmers?"

"A murder helped." he jokes, before gocking "I don't think we're blending well. I think we look like two fairies that waltzed up with daddy's money to live out a fairytale."

I scoff, before taking a drink "Well, some of that is true." I nudge him with a smirk "You're a fairy."

He scoffs, before remarking "I get better arse, though." I snicker, before crossing my legs "I've been with some mighty fine men."

I shrug, before agreeing "I would say Blaise is attractive, in a way." He gives a nostalgic smile, before I ask "Who else did you sleep with?"

He bites his lip, before stating "Cedric Digory." I give a shocked look and he continues "Viktor Krum." I give an amazed chuckle, before he sighs "Cormac McLaggen, Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan." he looks into his glass and sets his jaw "Hooked up with Neville a couple times."

"What, did you sleep with Ron, too?" I ask and he glares at me "Seriously, did I sleep with you, too?"

"We were in boarding school!" he reminds, before shaking his head "I had to do something to pass the time!"

I shrug, before sighing "So, you slept with Krum and Cedric our fourth year..." he nods and I ask "When did you sleep with the others?"

He's silent for a moment, before sighing "Dean and Finnigan in our fifth. McLaggen and Longbottom in our sixth." he shakes his head "I haven't been sex in almost two years."

I think for a second, before shoving his shoulder, playfully "You're almost eighteen!" he gocks and I insist "We've got to go drinking!"

He furrows his brow "Pottah, you're a couple months shy of getting a pint!" I grovel and he shrugs "I'll buy you a pint."

I give a weak smile, before remarking "They don't really check around these parts. Mainly look the other way."

He hums, before placing his drink to the side and declaring "I don't ever want children." I give a confused look and he shakes his head "You think I would be a good father. That I deserve to have children, some day."

I give a fair nod, before stating "I think you would make a great dad." he sighs, before looking out onto the fig trees.

"What if I turn into him?" he asks and a small smile spreads across my face "I wouldn't be able to live with myself if that happened."

"Draco?" I ask and he looks to me, a sorrowful look in his eyes "You have never been, and never will be, your father." He presses his lips into a fine line and I remark "Mothers stop that from happening."

He gives a weak smile, before speaking softly "You never had your parents in your life. What does that make you?"

I think for a moment, before replying "I had a fascist arsehole in my life, too." He's silent for a second, before picking up his drink and taking a sip.

"Voldemort?" he asks and I furrow my brow, before shaking my head "What other fascist do you know?"

"Voldemort is the most notable, yes. He had control over me, and I'm just leaning what was me and what was him." I state, before shrugging "But my aunt, uncle, and cousin all wanted to crush the magic inside of me. They hated wizardkind."

He gives a little smile, before gocking "It's strange that all people hate. Wizards hate muggles. Muggles hate wizards. The wizards that associate with muggles, hate death eaters. The muggles that are clueless, pit each other against one another."

I hum, before asking "Where are you at?" He cocks an eyebrow at me and I shrug "With the hating muggles thing?"

He takes a moment to take a long drink, before placing his cup down and asking "Do you really think I would let you pick this place, if I truly hated muggles?"

I shake my head and he places his drink down, before standing up and stretching out. He offers his hand to me and helps me up "We should get back to work." I agree.

We step into the house and grab the potions. An idea comes to my mind and I stop him "What?" he asks.

I step over to the sink and rummage around to find two spray bottles "How about we make this a lot easier?"

Only a minute later, we walk down the rows of apple trees, spraying both sides of each tree "Do you think we should use that potion?"

I shake my head "Trees that produce fruit year round... that'll bring attention from the ministry."

"Yeah..." he sighs, as the first tree springs up like a cartoon animation "That would probably open some doors that we can't close."

I hum as we walk along.

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