Chapter 11

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That night, I look to Draco and declare "There's no way in hell I'm going to let you risk sending that letter."

He gives a short nod and I continue "You have a responsibility as a father to be there for that little boy."

He continues to nod, but I still continue "And if you leave us, I will kill you."

"I understand." he states and I nod. He squeezes my forearm and sighs "You don't have to stay here with me."

I furrow my brow, before explaining "I'm going to take today to be with him. Tomorrow, I'll return to work." he nods and I sigh "You can stay as long as you want."

He takes a moment, before stating "I just need a few days to be with him." I smile at him and he explains "Even though all he does is sleep, I don't think I could bare to be away from him for more than a minute."

"I get it." I state, before shrugging "I feel the same, but I need to do the stuff that has to be done."

He sighs and states "I need to help you." I shake my head and he presses his lips in a fine line "My lungs just feel like they'll collapse if he's not in my sight, you know?"

"Yeah." I smile, before explaining "When I left to get food, I found that my chest was burning from the moment I left, to the moment I got back."

He scoffs, before stating "Your DNA is a part of him, just like mine. The main question is, which one of us is dad, and which is father?"

I hum, before asking "How about you're daddy, and I'm dad?" he nods and I smile "I think that's best."

"I like that." he admits and I smile, before I hear his stomach rumble. He gocks "That was loud."

I stand and stretch out "I'm going to go get us some food." he stands with me and I sigh "Maybe the nurses will let us put some food in their fridge so I don't have to leave for the rest of the day."

"We can ask." he states, before pulling me closer by grabbing my shirt. He hugs me and whispers "Thank you, Harry. You saved my life, and our son's life." he takes in a shakey breath "I don't think that you can ever understand how grateful I am."

I hum, before patting his back "You gave me a son. I don't think you understand how grateful I am."

I pull away to find tears stream down his face, again. I scoff "You're crying more than he is." he chuckles and I wipe a tear from his face "Come here."

On the way into another hug, I kiss his cheek, before gripping him to me. After a moment, he sniffles "Do you know how gay this is?"

"I don't give a shit." I state, before remembering I'm next to an impressionable baby "Oh fuck, oh shit."

He laughs, before he sighs "We've got a lot of stuff to learn about being parents." I sigh and his stomach rumbles.

I pat his back, before declaring "I'll be right back." he nods and I turn to the incubator "I'll be back, little guy."


Thirty minutes later, Draco and I sit on the bench, eating breakfast tacos "Did you convince the nurses to let us use the fridge?"

"Yeah." I nod, before chuckling "I might have swayed them with a dozen or so breakfast tacos."

He rolls his eyes, before biting into his taco "We should get him a pet." he states, before shrugging "Cats are nice."

"Dogs are better." I state and he glares at me in annoyance "I'm sensing this will spark some tension."

He shrugs "We could get both." I think for a second, before nodding "Great. We'll get both. Once he's old enough, he find he likes cats more."

I sigh and he smirks mischievously "Wow, you're insufferable." he snickers, before looking over at Scorpio "If he's anything like his father..."

He's silent for a moment, before asking "Which one?"


The next day, I back the truck up, behind our stand in the warehouse. As I unload apples, Aiden asks "How's the runt?"

"He's a fighter." I state as he unloads carrots and cabbage "The doctor said that there's no sign of any problems with his organs. He's still at risk of SIDS."

"SIDS?" he asks, leaning against the barrier between our booths.

I take a deep breath, before stating "Sudden Infant Death Syndrome." he gives a concerned look and I explain "He'll be in the hospital for a year, but we don't know how long he'll be in the incubator."

He sighs, before asking "When is Dani returning to work? Or is he staying with him until he's out of the toaster?"

I scoff, before stating "He's going to take a few days. He'll be back soon, though." Aiden nods, before a customer walks up to his booth.


After work, I make the deliveries, before booking it back to the hospital. When I get there, I find a couple of nurse inside. One puts a little hat on Scorpio and the other puts on socks.

When I step inside, Draco smiles "Our little man is doing fine." I smile and he asks "How was work."

I shrug, before stating "I much rather would have been here, but, you know how it is... work is work."

"What do you do?" one nurse asks.

"We're farmers." I state and she gasps "Oh, don't worry. I scrubbed up before I came. I wouldn't risk getting him sick."

She takes a breath "Good." I give a warm smile and she asks "What do you grow?"

"Figs, apples, and cherries." I state and she smiles, before I explain "The apple season is almost over."

The nurse smiles "This little boy is going to have a very good life, if I say so myself."

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