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Elliot pushed me into the living room, where Jason was slouched on the couch, watching basketball.

He paused the game, and turned around to look at me.

"Sorry.. for getting into a fight today.." I mumbled, keeping my head down.

"I accept your apology. I'm sorry again, for mistreating you today. I didn't mean to."

"Jess is going to be sleeping over at my place tonight," Elliot announced.

Jason pursed his lips together, his brow furrowing.

"Elliot, I really think Jess and I still need to have a talk. What happened today was not okay," he argued.

"I think she realizes that, Jason. Right, Jess?" Elliot asked, squeezing my shoulders.

"Mhmm." I squirmed from his grip, and Elliot quickly let go. 

"Go get your stuff, babe, just things you'll need for the night," Elliot said, and I quickly left the tense atmosphere to go and grab my things.

I could hear Elliot and Jason arguing in the living room, and I couldn't help but wish that Elliot was my brother instead of Jason.

"You can't coddle her like this!" Jason said, exasperated.

"I'm not coddling her, Jason. Her parents just fucking died, I think she needs a warm hug not a spanking," Elliot fired back. 

"I think you're wrong. Jeez, Elliot, she's just going to get used to misbehaving if you comfort her like this during her tantrums."

"Do you really think what happened inside was a tantrum?" Elliot hissed. "You can not be that stupid, Jason."

I cleared my throat as I took a step forward, making both men snap out of their argument.

"I'm ready."

Elliot nodded and motioned for me to follow. 

"Have her ready tomorrow morning! We need to leave at eight!" Jason called behind us, as we left the apartment.


Elliot's apartment was pretty similar to Jason's, except for the color scheme.

"Was yours furnished too?" I asked, as he lead me to the bedroom.

"Yup, but it impresses the girls when I say it was all me," he winked, and I laughed.

I jumped onto his bed and turned on the T.V. 

"Don't you have homework to do, baby?"

"Yeah. I left it at Jason's place," I answered. 

Elliot sighed as he sat beside me. 

"Jason's gonna kill me."

I let out a chuckle as I switched channels.

"You gotta behave for him, Jess, you hear me? I can't save your ass every time."

"What tells you there'll be another time?" I asked, tearing my eyes away from the episode of Vampire Diaries that was playing.

"Just a feeling," he chuckled. 


Both Elliot and I slept in the next morning. We frantically woke up as Jason banged on the front door.

"W-What? Fuck, it's 5 minutes to 8!" Elliot yelled, as he rushed to open the door. 

I quickly threw my hair in a bun as I followed him.

"Are you guys just waking up? I told you to be ready at 8!" Jason groaned.

"Calm down! I'll just run up and change my shirt!" I said, quickly putting on my shoes. 

"Just put on your leggings from yesterday and borrow one of Elliot's shirts. It'll take you ten minutes going up and back down. I'll wait in the parking lot," Jason ordered, and Elliot quickly tossed me one of his band shirts from the couch.

"What is this? The Rolling Stones?"

"Just shut up and wear it. Jason's already pissed."

I changed fast and said goodbye to Elliot, who tossed me an apple before leaving. I smacked my head (literally) when I realized my school stuff was still upstairs. 

Fuck it. Too late. 

I ran downstairs to the parking lot, and was out of breath by the time I reached Jason's car. 

"I- I-, l-left... my.. back-back...fuck," I gasped for breath. 

"Stop cussing. I grabbed your school stuff for you. Including the homework you did not finish," he sternly said. 

I groaned and walked over to the passenger seat where I collapsed. 

I rested my head against the head of the seat and stabilized my breathing as Jason began driving. 

"We need to talk. Obviously, I didn't make the rules of the house clear with you," Jason said, breaking the silence. 

Fuck. I would have much rather spent the 15 minute ride to school in awkward silence than listen to Jason yap on about rules.

"Can we do this another time?" I asked, annoyed.

"No, we can not, unless you want a repeat of yesterday."

"Fine," I sighed. "What are your rules?"

"First of all, none of that. That attitude? Not cool and it's not going to work at school or at home."

"Okay," I grumbled.

"You're still showing attitude."

"Okay, sir."

"Sarcasm is attitude too."

"Jason, can you please move onto the next rule," I snapped.

"I don't like the disrespect you're showing me."

Ughh, how I wanted to punch him in the face.

"I'm sorry. Please continue."

Jason seemed satisfied, thinking that I was actually trying to be respectful. 

"Secondly, you need to do well in school. That means doing your homework and getting A's in class. And no fighting in school. Ever."

I sighed. "Fine."

"Jessica, I really mean it. My reputation is on the line."

This annoyed me more than anything, but I kept quiet.

"Third, you need to realize that your actions have consequences. Therefore, I will not hesitate to implement punishments for you."

"Punishments?" I echoed. "Like what?"

"Like losing your phone, being grounded, or spankings."

"No, not spankings," I said, quickly sitting up. "No spankings."

"Jessica, it won't be like yesterday. I let my anger control me. But, if you do act out in that manner than I will have to spank you."

"No, Jason! I said no!"

"Jessica, you don't get to choose your punishments. And if you really don't want a spanking, then all you have to do is not misbehave. It's really simple."

I felt my heart start beating faster just at the thought of having Jason hold me down like that again.

"Jason, not spankings please. Anything else, but not that," I begged.

Jason sighed, exasperated. "I said you don't have to worry about being spanked if you behave. Why are you getting so agitated?"

I couldn't imagine explaining any of my trauma to Jason, mostly because he'd never be able to understand. Elliot knew some of what had happened, but that was it. 

No one else knew.

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