Chapter 3 (running out of names T^T)

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I wake up and I sighed in relieve "oh thank god this was just a dream" I think. All I can see is darkness which frightens me. I go to reach out to see if I can turn on a light but then someone pulls a bag off my head. "Aw shit it wasn't a dream" I say to my self. He grabs my chin forcefully and looks at me with his green eyes. "I'm going to work. Don't be too loud" he says. While walking out he drops the keys to the handcuffs "yes" I think to my self "I can finally get out of this psychos house". When I hear the front door closes and lock I go to reach for the keys but they're a little to far, I slide down and place my shoe on the keys and drag them too me. When I look at my and there's a indent in my wrist, it's bleeding a little but It was worth it. Once i finally get the hand cuffs off i try to get up. I fall to the ground and make a loud crash "damn legs work" I mumble to my self. I start to crawl around before getting to the stairs. Going up each step more scared than the last one the fear of him coming back and killing me gives me the shivers. I finally reach to top of the stairs, I struggle to open the door but after 10 seconds I get it to open. "Now
Time to Find the front door" I think to myself. After crawling around for 10 minutes I find it, i open it and try to leave I get one of my arms out but instantly get pulled back by the collar of my shirt "shit he's home" I think to my self. He walks in front of my while his shoes make a clicking noise every time it hits the ground. He slams the door and looks down at me "what do you think you're going" he says irritated. I Gulp Try to speak but nothing comes out my throats too dry. "Cats got your tongue" he whispers into my ear. He walks away and locks the door "I'm impressed" he mumbles as he walks away. My scared face turns into a confused look real quick. He looks at me and says "what's the point of keeping a smart one locked up? We could do so much work together" he winks and walks away.

Yah Yeet there's an update I'm sorry for not being active (treats this like Instagram) but I've been trying to pack up to move I move at the end of July so after that I'll try to keep the story going faster and longer but this one is longer than last chapters so I hoped you enjoyed it UwU.

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