Chapter 12: Camp Trip

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Ma'am Johannah POV

Today is Monday and as an adviser of Grade 7 Confucius, Jeremy's class, I have made a decision that we will have a camp trip today at campsite near our school and out principal she is alright with that. "Okay class, we'll be having a camp trip tomorrow till Wednesday! Our principal said it's okay!" as I told them the good news, I hear them “celebrating” but I heard James and Jeremy told David and Jade "We're going to camp babe!". "Why did Jeremy and James called Jade and David 'Babe'? Are they gay?" I asked myself, but I ignored the fact that some of my students are gay. "So right after your last subject in the morning,  you won't have classes in the afternoon cause your gonna go home and prepare your things. We're gonna go to the campsite first thing tomorrow, so wake up early and have fun! Bye class!" I told them and they cheered once again. As I left the room, I saw sir macaroy, he's so hot! "Hi Ma'am Johannah!" he greeted me "H-hi s-sir Macaroy" I said blushing "Please, call me Dylan" "Okay Dylan,  bye!" I say to him and walked back to the faculty and Mr. Levi saw me.

Levi: Hey Johannah!

Johannah: Hi Levi!!!

Levi: So you like Dylan huh?

Johannah:*Blushes* Y-yeah... How did you know though?

Levi: Oh, I saw you guys talking and you were blushing.

Johannah: *laughs nervously* Who wouldn't? He's hot, handsome and smart.

???: Really? Am I that handsome?

We all turned around and saw sir Dylan.

Johannah: YES!! *blushes*I gotta go.... To the restroom!! Bye!

Dylan POV

"Johannah! WAIT!!" I yelled at her but she didn't hear me. "Dylan, aren't you suppose to be at grade 7 Confucius' room?" "Oh, I just gave an activity to be passed on later" I said with a little sigh "Dylan, what's wrong?" Levi asked me. "I love her...I really do..."

Levi: Really?

Dylan: Yes

???: You do?

Levi: Johannah!!

Dylan: Yes, I lo-

She gave me a hug, I blushed and I hugged back

Johannah: I love you too*Blushes*

Dylan: I better go back to my class, I need to check there works, bye Love!

Johannah: Bye Dylan!

And it went normal for the rest of the day


Jeremy POV

"Are you excited for tomorrow baby?" David asks me "Of course babe, I got to spend a day with you" I answered he chuckled softly "But babe, we're always together... Well now that I think of it we're always away when it's lunch time" True... I hugged him "Come on let's go home and ready our stuff" Jade said. As I am leaving the room I was accompanied by Enrique.

Enrique: Jeremy!!

Jeremy: Why Enrique?

Enrique: Are you single??

Jeremy: Nope I'm already with someone else, why?

Enrique: *Sighs sadly* Oh...Okay...

Jeremy: Why the long face?


Jeremy: Sorry Enrique but I like you only as friends not as boyfriend/girlfriend. Not because you're gay, to be honest I'm also gay and I'm with David. You'll find someone else better than me.

???: Nice work Enrique

Jeremy: DAVID!? What just happened?

David: I told Enrique to tell you that he likes you. To test if you really love me.

Enrique: That's true, and I'm also gay. I love Clyde not you, but he doesn't know it yet.

???: I love you too Enrique. Why? Cause you thought that I don't like gay guys? I love them cause I am one. *Hugs Enrique*

Enrique: *Hugs back* C-clyde? Do you really love me?

Clyde: *smirks and kiss Enrique on the cheeks* Does that answer your question?

Enrique: Yes

Jeremy: Bye guys see you tomorrow.

Enrique & Clyde: Bye Jeremy!

I continued to walk home and eventually I reached my house and told my parents what Ma'am Johannah told us and they helped me packed my things. "Sis, do we have a  tent?" I asked Celosia "None, perhaps some of your friends want to share there tent with you" she answered and smirked at me "Ask him" as she said that I blushed cause I know who 'he' is and it's David "Okay, I'll tell him"


Jerry: Hey Davey!

David: Hey Jerry, what's up?

Jerry: Celosia and me are preparing our things and we don't have a tent I was wondering if we could share tents

David: Awwh, Sure baby. See you tomorrow, Love you Jerry.

Jerry: Love you too Davey.

"So what did he say" Celosia asked me "Yes, he said that we can share" I answered with a little blush "Awwwh that's sweet. Well it's already 8pm and you need to be at school at 7am, good night bro love you" she hugged me and I hugged back and said "Love you too Sis". She left my room, went to her's and I slept in my room.

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