...Daydream (Part 2/2)...

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I couldn't find the words to explain...

Then Lau grabs my hand, and I rest my head on the edge of the couch, closing my eyes. When I started to talk, their eyes wide open: they couldn't imagine I'm French.

"Je n'arrive pas à en parler, mais disons simplement qu'en apparence je suis ambitieuse, joyeuse et forte, mais à l'intérieur je suis détruite en mille morceaux à cause de mon ex... La danse m'aide à recoller ces morceaux et à me reconstruire. Du moins j'essaye..." ("I can't talk about it, but I can say by all appearances I'm ambitious, happy and strong, but inside I'm tattered because of my ex boyfriend... Dancing help me to bring the things back together and to build myself again. I try it at least...").

When I open my eyes, they were both mouth open and eyes wide open, waiting for me to do or to say something else.

"Let me show you guys..."

I stood up and began to feel the song yhe DJ just started... I don't know it, but my head follows the beat easily. There were a tiny space to dance between the table and the couch, so I danced between Larry and Lau legs.

I wasn't angry neither in pain with this song. I just wanted to show them how deep in pieces is my heart. Then I close my eyes to start: black again, nothing but the song and the pic of my heart broken in my head. I feel my body moving, and I let the music coming. At the end of the song, I open my eyes to see if I shared what I wanted, there was only Larry in front of me. Lau wasn't there anymore.

I could see sweetness in Larry's eyes, and before asking, he answered me "Lau n'a pas supporté de te voir comme ça. J'ai vécu la même chose et ça a été très difficile pour lui de ressentir tout ça, alors en te voyant il a craqué et est sorti prendre l'air. Tu devrais aller le rejoindre..." ("Lau couldn't bear to see you like that. I lived the same thing and it was really hard for him to feel all of this, so he gave in watching you and he's gone to get some fresh air. You should join him...").

He then smiles at me, giving me a hug with so much love... He knows... He has already felt that... Wow...

When I went outside, I saw Lau his back on a wall far from the club entrance. I join him, because I needed to know how he feels about it. He was breathing hard and heavily, he was angry.

"Hey...". When he looked up at me, I tried hard to not cry seeing his anger: it scares me so much! Then he finally talks...

"Je suis désolé, je n'ai pas pu. Tu es la deuxième personne que je vois dans cet état, et le fait de ne pouvoir rien faire me tue !" ("I'm sorry, I couldn't. You're the second person I see in that state and the fact of not being able to make nothing kills me!"). He then gives me a hug. "I can feel your pain. I can see your heart. Nobody should treat you like that."

"C'est précisément pour ça que j'adhère totalement à votre crédo Trust Nobody, Trust Yourself, simplement parce que je n'ai plus confiance qu'en moi même et ma dance." ("It's exactly about that I agree with your belief Trust Nobody, Trust Yourself, simply cause I only trust in myself and my dancing.").

We then walk back to the club to see Larry, who was waiting for us in the VIP section. I act like nothing hapened, and Larry knows it. We dance together, because he know I need to think about something else. Lau stayed sit all the time on the couch, watching Larry and me dancing and smiling.

After a while, they take me back at home. In front of my door, I give Larry a huge hug that he gave me back with so much compassion and love before going back to his car. I look at Lau, he said nothing until our outside moment at the club.

He grabs my head in his hands and kisses my lips. When I kisses back he deepen the kiss, and all I could feel was his passion and his worry about my story. My tears began to fall down my face because nobody has never showed me this compassion. When we broke the kiss, Lau gave me a hug "Il faut qu'on se revoit. Je te laisse mon numéro, appelle moi s'il-te-plait..." ("I need to see you again. I let you my phone number, call me please...").

After getting his phone number, I wave at them, watching them driving back to their house...

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