Chapter 4

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Author's note

Okay, quick update on where I'm at writing the story, I finally got over the writers block that I was struggling with for chapter 6, however, school has now started, both my college and high school classes. So I won't have as much time to write. Thank you for being so patient with me I appreciate it. This summer has been slow and boring, so I'm glad to be busy again, but that just means, I honestly don't know how often I'll be able to post. I only have one more finished chapter right now, so if I'm being honest, it will probably be a while before I can post again, between family stuff and school.

Clarke POV

"I would say that we had a very productive day today," I told Octavia as we unpacked her stuff from today in my room.

"Yeah, so you gonna tell me how it went with Murphy in Barnes and Noble or just gonna let me die of anticipation?" She asked eagerly getting straight to the point.

"I mean I was going to wait until we were laying in bed comfortably before we started watching Netflix but I can start now I suppose." So I started, relaying everything that happened between John and I without specific details of our talk because that would ruin the whole point of our soon to be fake relationship thing. She said she was super excited for us and couldn't wait for us to get together, she all ready had our ship name, Clurphy, which I am pretty sure she has had since before he left the friend group but hey I am not gonna judge.

Murphy POV

When Charlie and I got home I helped her put her stuff away after we told Mom what we did today and showed her all the stuff she got. As we were doing that Charlie asked , "So, Johnny? What's going on with you and that Clarke girl? I thought you had a crush on a girl named Raven?" always the observer my little sister, yeah she can be an annoying brat but she's the only one I can tell about my crushes, besides who is she gonna tell?

"Well, Charlie, it turns out Clarke and I have a lot in common, we both fell for people who are in relationships and it is very unlikely that they are ever going to fall for us. So, we thought maybe we could make them jealous, but that will only work if they already have a crush on us. We figured a way we could make them both jealous is if we invite them out for a double date a couple times and being all cuddly and what not."

"That, sort of makes sense, I guess. Why don't you both just tell them that you like them?"

"Well, kiddo, I guess Clarke and I just don't want to risk that they will say that they don't like us back."

"That doesn't make much sense."

"It'll make more sense when your older trust me."

"Whatever you say, Johnny."

Saturday afternoon

Clarke POV

"Guys!!! I'm leaving to go pick up stuff for dinner, do we need anything else?" I yell across the house as I am about to head out the door. A chorus of no's rings back in response so I say, "okay, see you later!" as I walk out the door to the car. I just need to pick up a few things because mom has a late shift and asked me to cook. I'll probably just pick up some pizza from Papa Murphy's and have them preheat the oven while I am on my way back. But I am going to stop at Walmart to pick up fruit and stuff for snacks because, who doesn't like fruit?

I pull into the parking lot but before I go in I go online and preorder my order from Papa Murphy's. Then I head inside to grab some fruit and a few other minor things. I figured I would go to the clearance aisle just to see if there was anything that I absolutely needed. Just as I was walking out of the aisle, I bumped into someone for the third time in just as many days. Great. As I start apologizing I look up and see that it is no other than Bellamy Blake himself.

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