Chapter 2

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Author's note

So I want to thank you all for reading the first chapter and for the feedback you gave me. I am so glad you enjoyed it. Thank you!

Clarke POV

I can't believe I have to sit through this entire hour, next to Bellamy. He has been such a jerk lately, I know he still cares for Octavia for sure, but he is still hurting her by being with Echo. He is hurting me. I have had a crush on him since forever, and it is just so irritating. He was my best friend, but I don't know how to even approach him without getting or giving the cold shoulder.

"Hey, Princess." Oh, Crap, he is actually talking to me, and we didn't bump into each other.

"Um, hey, Bellamy, what's up?"

"I know we haven't talked since, umm, I got together with Echo, but I am sorry for everything that happened."

"Yeah, it's okay, I forgive you, it's forgotten."

"Good, and I would also like to thank you letting O stay at your house, I'm glad she still has you," then he said something undiscernible, but it sounded like "even if I don't." But I couldn't be sure. "I want to start getting closer with the old group. Do you think they would be willing?"

"I can't do this right now, Bellamy, I need to focus on this Mythology lesson because I need this credit to finish off my histories so I can do more medical sciences next year. I just can't do this today, or like, ever." Why won't he shut up!!!

"Oh...Okay. If you need help studying for mythology, I can--"

"No, Bellamy."

A few minutes later the bell rang and I was packing up immediately, I needed to get out of there. As I reached my locker to get the rest of my stuff I saw that Monroe and Harper were already there, waiting for me.

"Hey, guys."

"CLARKE! It's about time you got here. Harper has to be home by 3:30," Monroe said.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot to text you. I'm just going to walk home, think about old times when we would all walk together. Remember when times were good. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

"'Okay. Are you okay? You have been acting weird all day."

"Yeah, I'm fine. I just had a rough day and need some time to myself to think and relax before I go home to my mom being pushy and checking every ten seconds how my grades are and irritating me. Hey, where is Fox?"

"She decided to ride the bus because her brother had to stay late and she didn't want to be home with just her dad, she actually let's us know these things. Stay safe on your way home," Harper said, she is such the mom friend.

"Oh, okay, and I will. Love you girls, bye," I said as I finished packing my stuff and left. Now it's time to go talk to John in the parking lot. That is going to suck. I don't know what to expect and I have to tell him why I was running from the cafeteria. This is gonna be fun.

As I walked out the door, I saw John and sped up because the sooner I get there the sooner this is over.

"Hey, Princess," He said, pushing himself up off the car, that I'm assuming is his, so he is standing up right.

"Hey, John. So, why did you suddenly stop in the middle of the hall?"

"Wow, straight to the point, um, okay.. well, I saw Raven kissing my older brother's best friend-"


"Yeah, how did you know?"

"She introduced me to him during lunch, he's her new boyfriend. Well not necessarily new, but I just met him so new enough."

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