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Surprise !

Walking up to the door with the numbers 81 on them I look around and see the desk are made for pairs of twos immediately I pull Ruby's arm and put her in the chair next to mine and quan does the same with Chrissy leavening Justin standing up

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Walking up to the door with the numbers 81 on them I look around and see the desk are made for pairs of twos immediately I pull Ruby's arm and put her in the chair next to mine and quan does the same with Chrissy leavening Justin standing up.

"You know what fuck all y'all" he says while looking around I'm guessing for an open seat or for someone to magically save him from the inevitable.

"Hey do you need a seat partner ?, I'm Selene by the way" a pretty brownskin girl ask him while he stares at her bitting his lips with his thirsty ass I crack myself up sometimes.

"Hell yeah" he says while leading the girl to a empty desk but not before turning around and sticking his tongue out at us four, with his childish ass I say while shaking my head and chuckling

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"Hell yeah" he says while leading the girl to a empty desk but not before turning around and sticking his tongue out at us four, with his childish ass I say while shaking my head and chuckling.

Least he gone be off ruby dick I say in my head while grinning at the thought. "What you smiling about" ruby says while laughing and pushing me to the side.

Oh nothing just thinking about how we have about 4 more hours together I make up a quick lie, "mhmm" she says while side eyeing me and putting her focus back on her phone.

I don't know what's going on with me man I sigh in my head, I ain't never felt this way about no girl but she so pretty and her energy just make me want to be around her everyday you know.

It's something about her, like the way she not shy shy but shy enough to wear she always blushes when someone says a cute comment to her, or makes her speak in front big audiences, especially how when she is in front of new people and she always tends to be quite as hell.

I don't know what this feeling is but I don't necessarily hate it or love it. I want to fuck with her on some real shit, but she convinced I'm a hoe and I still fw Tasha thot ass, which I don't she crazy as hell she need to stop trying to start with ruby ass too cause I know she with the shit and I'm pretty sure she don't want that type of smoke.

"So today class" ms.samali happy ass starts already talking loud as shit. "We're going to go easy since it's the first day, you and your desk partner are going to be asking each other simple questions." She finished while beginning to write the questions on the board.

Questions :
1. What's your most embarrassing moment ?

2. If you could travel anywhere
where would you go ?

3.what is one thing you would change about yourself and why ?

4. Who are the closest people in your life ?

5.What is your opinion on love and hate ?

"Okay guys you and your partner take out of a piece of paper and each write each other's response to all of the questions, have fun guys and please don't get rowdy" she finishes while taking a seat in her chair.

Turning to ruby I grin and rub my hands together, let's get started shall we I say. "What is your most embarrassing moment ?" She ask while picking up her pencil, thinking of own of my old funny stories I finally come up with one and begin to tell her.

"Wait so let me get this straight the poop got on his brand new white air forces" she says while laughing hard asl, yes bruh that nigga was mad as shit like fuck he expect I was in third grade and all the bathrooms was locked cause people always went in there playing around I laugh with her.

But I know yo ass ain't talking yo fake ass ponytail fell off while running the mile I say while holding my stomach from laughing too hard, "shut up I told you that out of confidence" she says hitting me, ight my bad my bad I hold my hands up as a sign of surrender.

"Ok can we skip two cause it's about 789 hundred different places I want to go" ruby says while covering up get face, you good ma I tell her while removing her
hands and I told yo ass stop covering yo fine ass face I tell her loving to watch her chocolate face flush with a dark red.

"Sin stop" she says while smiling at the compliment. Anyway what's one thing you would change about your self mentally or physically ? I ask her.

"Truthfully... she begins with a big sigh I wouldn't change shit cause I.Am.That.Bitch" she says while clapping her hands with each word. The ghetto I say while shaking my head, but for real tho what's one thing ruby she looks at me in the eye and then sighs.

"Ok I guess if I had to change one thing it would be my temper I get mad easy asf and that's not okay cause my temper can really get the best of me and when that happens it's never pretty, like back in Chicago this girl spoke on my dead beat sperm doner ...

I don't know that man and as far as I'm concerned I don't want too he taught me that even the person you should care most about in the world is disposable so I thank him for that cause now I know to always remember that before I get to attached to something" She finishes.

Taking all of her information I gather a good response. Is this why you don't want to fw me in that way right now ? I ask her while looking her in the eyes and she looks down with a pout on her lips.

Aye ma, I begin you can't go around thinking with that mentality for yo whole life you would never find happiness thinking like that not everyone is temporary and for surely not my ass you stuck with me cause I'm gone get you regardless I say while wiggling my eyebrows at her and smirking.

Wiping her eyes she gets up and hugs me tight and whispers in my ear "we'll see" sending chills straight to my dick I'm not even gone cap. "Anyway what about you" She ask referring to the question I just asked her.

I would change my mindset, I look up at her and continue it's just I always feel like I'm bringing somebody down when I feel some type of way and I don't like to express my feelings cause I just feel like a burden, I finish while putting my hands on my head.

"Aye aye" ruby snaps while getting up and removing my hands from my head, "don't
ever feel like expressing your feelings are any type of a burden or show a sign of weakness at all.

I mean if you didn't I would think you the weakest nigga alive" she finishes while hugging me. "Oh and if you ever need someone to talk to call me even if you just don't want to be alone I'm here". Yo ass still aggy we say at the same time while dying of laughter.

What's your opinion on love and hate ? I ask her. "Love to me is the way you feel when your just ultimately happy like when the person your with makes you feel like you are the only two people in the world.

And as for hate I've always been told it's a strong word and to not use it so loosely so I know when I do finally find the person to use it on I'm going to mean it and say it with my chest you get me" she finishes.

I agree exactly I say while smiling you a cool ass girl I'm gone get yo ass to fall for me eventually Ruby L. Taylor and I put that on my money I say while pulling a stack out my pocket.

"mhmm good luck buddy" she says while patting my back and taking a 20 dollar bill from the stack while I just laughed at her ass this girl man I thought in my head.

•can y'all do me a lil favor and press that star , and tell your friends to check out my story thanks luvs ! 😂

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