Park Y/N, a top vampire hunter in their city, the "Bangtan City", has a population of 12.1k living vampires in their city.
Y/N is know for being the most cold and emotionless Vampire hunter.
But when she is at home, with her brother. They are just...
(A/N: Double updates cause I love you all, even if there is no one reading it ;-;...)
No One's P.O.V
— 2:00 P.M —
The party has begun. All of the vampire hunters from different cities came. They all went to us and greet us like we were the King and Queen here.
A few minutes later, the Mayor of our city came. Mr. Bang shouted our names.
"I now want you to see the greatest vampire hunters in our city, Ms. Park Y/N and Mr. Park Bo Gum! Let's give them all a round of applause please!"
We all went to the stage to great all if the visitors and make a speech. Bo Gum goes first then me.
We went to the stage and grab a mic. Bo Gum started doing his speech.
"Blah blah blah blah...."
(A/N: Forgive your Author because she is a little lazy to make a speech. Fml. ;-;)
After his speech it was my turn now.
— 2:38 P.M —
A man was running as fast as he can to escape seven men who are wearing some long black coats and some white mask who are after him.
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The place he was running at was empty, and dirty so there is no way other people could hear him.
He went to run to one of the side of the buildings but was block by a huge wall. He saw a big garbage can and hide there.
He went to peep a little if see he is not being chased anymore. He went to hide his face again because, there he saw seven men, not even patting and its not like they didn't even break a sweat of running.
He went to peep again and see that the seven men are gone.
He got out to the garbage can and started running out of the side of the building, but before he could do that someone grab the back of his neck digging his nails to the man who is now in pain. The guy who was holding the man's neck released a quiet chuckle and called the other six who was also hiding.
"L-Let me g-go...please I-I'll do anything just d-don't hurt me..." He pleaded.
"We want something from you..." Said the man who was holding the back of his neck.