7. Two againts Seven.

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(A/N: This chapter is going to be in Bo Gum's P.O.V)

"No! I won't let you take her!" Seokjin yelled at Seokjin with anger.

Seokjin never leave his spot. Not even flinching from Bo Gum's screaming.

"We have to. Fate says so." He said to him, walking to him closer. Bo Gum just stayed there, glaring at Seokjin.

"So that means...her files are with you...where is it!?" He yelled again.

"Woah! Okay we have it. We were gonna bring it back once we have all the information we want."

"Bring it back!" Bo Gum yelled at him again. Seokjin went to look at Hoseok nodding at him to give him your files.

Hoseok went to Seokjin with his inhuman speed. Giving your files to Seokjin.

"Here." He said. Bo Gum was about to grab it when he throw it back to Hoseok.

"But first, if you catch it in 10 seconds you can have it. But if you don't we're gonna kill you, just like your uncle."


Bo Gum ran fast to Hoseok, grabbing his gun and shooting it to Hoseok.


A loud bang of bullets were heard outside the shadow. All of the seven sins still having there mask on. Not letting them show their identity to the person who just let out a loud commotion.

"Give me back my files you stupid motherfuckin assholes..."

Bo Gum was shocked, it was you.

"How did you get here?"

"Duh. I can already sense your in trouble."

You said to your brother mind linking to each other.

"2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9....." Seokjin counted, you and your brother didn't notice it. Until Seokjin reach nine.

"Fuck!" Bo Gum cursed.


You pulled your trigger and shot Seokjin, Hoseok, and Yoongi. The other four vampires, backing away with a smirk behind their mask. The three vampires in the ground, having a hole in the middle of their heads.

Your brother stand there dumbfounded of what you did.

A few minutes later, the three unconscious vampires, started moving again

"I said give it to me you son of a bitches!"

You heard Seokjin chuckle a little.

"Try little one...two against seven? I wouldn't mind..."

(A/N: okayyyyyyyyyyy immmmmm bacckkkkk y'all lol finally git my device back!😂❤️ And I'm sorry if it's too short, got a lot of problems hehe.)

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