Daniel visits Cobra Kai dojo

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Daniel LaRusso walked into the Cobra Kai dojo and was impressed from the start. He saw all the trophies; many were first place. He then saw a picture on the wall of a man in an army uniform holding a machine gun. The caption read "John Kreese: 1970-1972 Army Karate Champion." He looked up when he heard the instructor kiup. John Kreese made eye contact with Daniel and made a subtle nod. Daniel went to sit down , then he was shocked to see Johnny Lawrence warming up the students. Johnny and his friends were the reasons Daniel wanted to take Karate. The two boys got into a fight at the beach over a girl name Alli Mills. The fight carried over to the soccer field at school. His heart sank when Johnny flashed a cocky grin. "Great" Daniel thought. "Those jerks learned their karate here. Well guess this place is a bust." Daniel then turned to walk out the door. He stopped when he heard the instructor yell. "Hey Kid, wait. Stay to see an entire class before you make a decision to leave."

"No thanks, man." Daniel said as he continued to walk out the door. To his surprise the instructor followed him. "Johnny continue to warm them up"  John Kreese sprinted to the door. He motioned for Daniel to come back inside.

" Hey, I met your mom  at the restaurant. She said you'd come by to sign up for lessons.  I saw your interest when you looked at the trophies and my picture on the wall. Your attention to detail impresses me." John held out his hand. "I'm Sensei Kreese, what's your name."

Daniel reluctantly shook his hand, "Daniel LaRusso, sir."

Sensei Kreese grinned. "Sir" You show respect. I like that, I Like that." He then bowed to Daniel. Daniel bowed back. "You know what, you seem like you'd fit right in here. Why'd you leave so soon."

Daniel shrugged and shook his head. "I got into a fight with one of your students."

"Oh, which one?"

"Johnny Lawrence."

"Why did you boys fight?"

"It was over a girl"

 John Kreese threw his head back and laughed. "Of course. It's always over a girl." Daniel turned to walk away, but Kreese put a hand on his shoulder. "Come back inside. My gut tells me you got potential. I don't want some petty fight over a girl cause me to lose a new student. The dojo needs fresh blood. You got a hungry look to you, kid. LaRusso, huh. Italian? Where you from?'

Daniel grinned. "Yes sir. And I'm from Newark, New Jersey."

"Wow, an Italian Jersey boy. I don't' want you to get away." Sensei Kreese patted Daniel on the shoulder. "I'm from Brooklyn, New York. I know how tough Jersey boys are. Fought alongside some in Vietnam. Bad asses, not like these California boys." He winked and said, "I need to train a tough as nails kid like you. You got fire in you. Just what Cobra Kai needs. Come on in, and I'll make sure to smooth things over between you and Mr. Lawrence."

"You can try, Sir, but Johnny's very angry with me." Daniel said.

"Don't worry, I can be very persuasive." John Kreese said while putting a hand on Daniel's back. They walked back into the dojo together.

The whole class turned to stare as Sensei Kreese and Daniel walked in. Johnny's shocked and angry glare was the most intense. "Class, we have a visitor, hopefully he'll become a new student. This is Daniel LaRusso, today he's going to observe. Please make him feel welcome. That understood?" He then turned to Daniel and motioned towards a place to sit. Daniel sat down to watch the class.

Everyone yelled "Yes Sensei."

"Alright, Combat. Prepare"JohnKreese yelled.

All the boys ran to the center of the Dojo on the mat.

Johnny Lawrence went up against a boy named Bobby. Daniel sat and watched them spar. Johnny scored a point and beat Bobby. There were a few more sparring matches before Sensei Kreese called for the end of class. "Everyone's dismissed except for Mr. Lawrence." Johnny looked surprised and upset, but he still yelled, "Yes Sensei." And ran towards Kreese and Daniel.

"Sensei, what's he doing here? You can't be considering him joining Cobra Kai." Johnny snarled and said.

"There's that hot Lawrence temper." He pointed a finger at Johnny. "Last time I checked; I ran this dojo. I'm the one who started Cobra Kai and I decide who joins. That understood?"

"Yes Sensei" Johnny said as he bowed.

"Now, I'm going to give Mr. LaRusso private lessons to start. I want you to help. Together we'll determine if he's Cobra Kai material."

"Yes Sensei." Johnny said.

"I realize you two have some beef over a girl. You both will forget that while you're in this dojo. There's plenty of girls to go around. The good of Cobra Kai is more important than some petty love triangle. Do we understand?"

Both Daniel and Johnny said, "Yes Sensei."

"Now you two shake hands." John Kreese said.

Both boys shook hands. Johnny's face was red, and tears were forming in his eyes.

"Alright Mr. LaRusso, you're dismissed. I'll see you tomorrow, 4:00 sharp. Don't be late." John Kreese said. He then bowed to Daniel. Daniel bowed back. Then he turned and bowed to Johnny. Johnny looked shocked and bowed back. Daniel walked out the door into the street.

Johnny couldn't contain his temper any longer. "What the hell was that? That kid's an asshole! He took my girl, Alli."

Sensei Kreese raised a hand. "Quiet!" He pointed at Johnny. "Now listen to me. This dojo needs fresh talent. Something in my gut tells me that kid got potential. He's already very respectful. He can be taught. We don't have any white belts; our lowest level is green. We need new blood entering the lower divisions for the tournaments. New students are how a dojo survives." He patted Johnny on the shoulder. "Look kid, I know love hurts. But they'll always be another girl. What's harder to find is a brother you can trust. If I'm right about LaRusso, he's Cobra Kai for life. You will give him a chance, understood?"

Johnny sighed. "Yes Sensei." They bowed to each other and Johnny went to the changing area. He then joined his friends outside. 

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